5 Tips for motivating your students


Students perform better when they enjoy learning and feel motivated by it. Here are 5 tips to boost your students' motivation in the classroom.
Jen Molte
Slides por Jen Molte, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jen Molte
Criado por Jen Molte aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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    5.Tips to motivate your students
    Getting your students to feel excited about learning and motivated to acquire more knowledge is essential to their academic success. Not only this, but it also lays the groundwork for making education a part of their lives in the longer term.When students feel motivated, they spend less time on distractions and more time focussing on key facts, concepts and ideas, and finding ways of applying them to their own lives.This slide set offers a simple set of instructions to follow to help get your students feeling more involved in their learning and therefore far more likely to live up to their potential. 

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    1.Use a variety of learning techniques
    The days of sitting passively in the class while a teacher talks should be behind us. Students now have more distractions to deal with and shorter attention spans as a result.To cope with this, make sure you vary the ways in which you deliver information. For instance, you could try opening a class with a slide of important facts or key concepts relating to a particular topic. You could then spend 10 or 15 minutes discussing the information before asking students to collaborate on creating a Mind Map that plots the main points visually.You could also create quick Quizzes to keep students engaged and assess how well they understand certain topics.

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    2.Give students more control
    Students are far more likely to absorb information when they are interacting with it and feeling engaged by what they are learning.The tools that GoConqr offers will allow students to take control over how they source, process and plot their lessons.For instance, after giving a lesson, ask your students to revise what they have learned by incorporating the information into a resource of their own choosing: they might use Mind Maps for visual impact, Flashcards to help them remember key points, create a Quizz with which they can test themselves, or use a combination of resources by creating a Slide Set.

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    3.Track progress by assessment
    The best way of measuring how your students are doing is by assessing them regularly. You can do this by creating Quizzes and using the Analytics tool to measure their performances over time.This will give you a much clearer idea of what kinds of areas they are strong in, or what kind of learning resources they are responding to most effectively.And it is not only teachers who can keep tabs on progress - by assessing performance regularly, students will also be able to see the areas in which they are showing improvement or are in need of addressing. In addition, this also lets them continuously revise their goals and expectations of themselves.

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    4.Get students working together
    Collaboration gives students a chance to interact with others. This is important not only for non-cognitive skills such as teamwork, cooperation, task delegation and so on, but also for expressing, discussing and sharing their thoughts and ideas about particular lessons.Since part of the excitement of learning is exploring your peers' unique points of view, getting students to work together on projects is an extremely effective way of increasing their level of engagement.

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    5.Praise and reward
    Always acknowledge your students' hard work - even more so than their successes. When a student shows commitment and effort they should feel that it is both appreciated and productive.There are many ways you can do this: hold weekly awards in the classroom; celebrate progress as much as achievement; or display and share good work by students.


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