P & C Exam Prep: Ch 3 Basics of Property and Liability Insurance Key Study Points


SUBJECT: Chapter 3 - Basics of Property and Liability Insurance This study set is for use by insurance licensing students (GEICO Employees) in preparation of the state licensing exam. Prepared by: Melinda Kinnear
Slides por ltcolonelswife, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ltcolonelswife aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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    Private insurers are in business to make a profit.  They are not like Social Security or Medicare where everyone is insured.  It is up to the Underwriting Department to help ensure the company is profitable.The Underwriting Department serves several important functions:1) They screen applicants and issue policies only to applicants who present an acceptable level of risk for that insurer's program.2) Underwriters determine the proper rate to charge the applicant.3) Underwriter's monitor the risk to change the rating or terminate the policy if the risk changes.

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    Rubrica: : Consumer Reports may be ordered, depending on the type of risk and the insurer. They can include a driving record, a credit report, and even a physical inspection of property.
    Rubrica: : Many times an insurer will need to visually inspect the risk prior to issuing a policy. Property inspections are used to determine value or to uncover additional hazards that might increase the chance of loss.

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    Policy Structure
    Agents of the insurer are usually given limited binding authority.  Binding authority allows the agent to place the coverage in force immediately upon completion of the application and taking payment pending insurance company approval.

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    Declarations Page
    Rubrica: : All policies have a cover page that contains all of the factors in a policy that are variables from one client to another.
    The Declaration Page shows the following:Name of the Insurance Co. & AgentName and Address of the named insuredLocation of the covered propertyPolicy #Effective and Expiration DatesPolicy PremiumPolicy LimitsDescription of property insured or Location of the Risk

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    Rubrica: : Insuring Agreement
    Insuring Agreement
    Describes the insurance company's promise to pay.  May include: additional coverage (supplementary coverage or Extension of Coverage.Another Standard Feature of an Insurance Policy is the DEFINITIONS SECTION.  Usually precedes the rest of Insuring Agreement in the contract.If an insurer is going to use a word that may be ambiguous or confusing, the insurer puts the word in "quotation marks" so the insured can look up it's meaning in the policy.

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    Common Policy Provisions
    Deductible (a form of Retention)Other InsurancePro Rata (a Proportionate Share)Primary/Excess (usually applied to Auto Expense - Policies written on a primary/excess basis require the primary insurer to pay until its policy limits are exhaustedContribution by Equal Shares - each insurer pays the same amountNon-Concurrency: refers to a situation where there are multiple policies on the same loss but the policies are written on diff terms or conditions.


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