The Vertebral Column: Muscles of the Back


Medicine Anatomy of Systems Quiz on The Vertebral Column: Muscles of the Back, created by Charlotte Jakes on 08/05/2020.
Charlotte Jakes
Quiz by Charlotte Jakes, updated more than 1 year ago
Charlotte Jakes
Created by Charlotte Jakes about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Which group of back muscles are associated with movements of the shoulder?
  • Superficial
  • Intermediate
  • Deep

Question 2

Which group of back muscles are associated with the movements of the thoracic cage?
  • Superficial
  • Intermediate
  • Deep

Question 3

Which group of back muscles are associated with movements of the vertebral column?
  • Superficial
  • Intermediate
  • Deep

Question 4

Why are the deep muscles of the back described as intrinsic muscles, whereas the intermediate and superficial muscles are described as extrinsic?
  • The deep muscles develop embryologically in the back
  • The superficial and intermediate muscles develop embryologically in the back
  • The deep muscles are associated with movements of the vertebral column
  • The deep muscles are associated with movements of the thoracic cage

Question 5

The deep muscles of the back can be separated into three groups - superficial, intermediate and deep. The following questions will be about the superficial deep muscles of the back - the spinotransversales. Which of the following are part of the spinotransversales?
  • Splenius capitis
  • Splenius cervicis
  • Iliocostalis
  • Longissimus
  • Spinalis
  • Semispinalis
  • Multifidus
  • Rotatores

Question 6

Drag and drop the correct labels to describe the SPLENIUS CAPITIS muscle of the spinotransversales - the superficial deep muscles of the back. ORIGIN: [blank_start]ligamentum nuchae[blank_end] and spinous processes of [blank_start]C7-T3/4[blank_end] INSERTION: [blank_start]mastoid process[blank_end] and [blank_start]occipital[blank_end] bone of the skull INNERVATION: posterior rami of [blank_start]C3 and C4[blank_end] ACTIONS: [blank_start]ipsilateral[blank_end] rotation of the head
  • ligamentum nuchae
  • C7-T3/4
  • C1-C7
  • mastoid process
  • occipital
  • temporal
  • C3 and C4
  • ipsilateral
  • contralateral

Question 7

Drag and drop the correct labels to describe the SPLENIUS CERVICIS muscle of the SPINOTRANSVERSALES - the superficial deep muscles of the back. ORIGIN: [blank_start]spinous[blank_end] processes of [blank_start]T3-T6[blank_end] INSERTION: [blank_start]transverse[blank_end] processes of [blank_start]C1-3/4[blank_end] INNERVATION: posterior rami of lower [blank_start]cervical spinal[blank_end] nerves ACTIONS: [blank_start]ipsilateral[blank_end] rotation of the head
  • T3-T6
  • spinous
  • transverse
  • C1-3/4
  • cervical spinal
  • thoracic spinal
  • ipsilateral
  • contralateral

Question 8

When acting together, what can the spinotransversales - the superficial deep muscles of the back - splenius capitis and spenius cervicis, do?
  • Extend the head and neck
  • Flex the head and neck
  • Contralateral rotation of the head
  • Lateral flexion of the head and neck

Question 9

The following questions will be about the intermediate deep back muscles. These form a column known as the erectors spinae. Which of the following muscles are included in this group?
  • Iliocostalis
  • Longissimus
  • Spinalis
  • Spinus cervicis
  • Spinus capitis
  • Semispinalis
  • Multifidus
  • Rotatores

Question 10

The muscles of the erector spinae all have a common tendinous origin. Where does this arise from? Check all that apply.
  • Lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae
  • Sacrum
  • Posterior iliac crest
  • Sacroiliac and supraspinous ligaments
  • Cervical vertebrae
  • Coccyx
  • Pubic tubercle

Question 11

Where will you find the erector spinae?
  • Between the vertebral spinous processes and the costal angle of the ribs
  • Between the vertebral bodies and the inside of the ribs
  • Between the transverse processes of the vertebrae and the skin
  • Between the vertebral transverse processes and the costal angle of the ribs

Question 12

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the ILIOCOSTALIS muscle of the ERECTOR SPINAE - the intermediate deep muscles of the back. ORIGIN: common tendinous origin INSERTION: costal angle of the [blank_start]12[blank_end] ribs and transverse processes of [blank_start]C1-C7[blank_end] INNERVATION: [blank_start]posterior[blank_end] rami of spinal nerves ACTIONS: [blank_start]unilateral[blank_end] flexion of the vertebral column, bilateral [blank_start]extension[blank_end] of the vertebral column and head
  • 12
  • first 6
  • C1-C7
  • C5-C7
  • posterior
  • anterior
  • unilateral
  • extension

Question 13

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the LONGISSIMUS muscle of the ERECTOR SPINAE - the intermediate deep muscles of the back. ORIGIN: common tendinous origin INSERTION: transverse processes of [blank_start]C2-T12[blank_end], the angles of ribs [blank_start]7-12[blank_end] and the [blank_start]mastoid process[blank_end] of the skull INNERVATION: [blank_start]posterior[blank_end] rami of the spinal nerves ACTIONS: unilateral [blank_start]lateral[blank_end] flexion of the vertebral column, [blank_start]bilateral[blank_end] extension of the vertebral column and head
  • C2-T12
  • 7-12
  • mastoid process
  • posterior
  • anterior
  • lateral
  • bilateral

Question 14

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the SPINALIS muscle of the ERECTOR SPINAE - the intermediate deep muscles of the back. ORIGIN: common tendinous origin INSERTION: spinous processes of [blank_start]C2[blank_end], [blank_start]T1-T8[blank_end] and the [blank_start]occipital bone[blank_end] of the skull INNERVATION: [blank_start]posterior[blank_end] rami of the spinal nerves ACTIONS: unilateral [blank_start]lateral flexion[blank_end] of the vertebral column, bilateral [blank_start]extension[blank_end] of the vertebral column and head
  • C2
  • T1-T8
  • occipital bone
  • posterior
  • anterior
  • lateral flexion
  • extension

Question 15

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the superficial deep muscles of the back - the spinotransversales - and the intermediate deep muscles of the back - the erector spinae.
  • Longissimus capitis
  • Spinalis cervicis
  • Longissimus cervicis
  • Longissimus thoracis
  • common tendon
  • Iliocostalis lumborum
  • Spinalis thoracis
  • Iliocostalis thoracis
  • Iliocostalis cervicis

Question 16

The following questions will be about the deep deep muscles of the back are located underneath the erector spinae. They are known as the transversospinales. Which of the following muscles are part of the transversospinales?
  • Semispinalis
  • Multifidus
  • Rotatores
  • Spinalis cervicis
  • Spinalis capitis
  • Longissimus
  • Spinalis
  • Iliocostalis

Question 17

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the SEMISPINALIS muscle of the deep deep muscles of the back. ORIGIN: [blank_start]transverse[blank_end] processes of [blank_start]C4-T10[blank_end] INSERTION: [blank_start]spinous[blank_end] processes of [blank_start]C2-T4[blank_end] and [blank_start]occipital[blank_end] bone of the skull INNERVATION: [blank_start]posterior[blank_end] rami of the spinal nerves ACTIONS: [blank_start]extension[blank_end] and [blank_start]contralateral[blank_end] rotation of the head and vertebral column
  • C4-T10
  • transverse
  • spinous
  • C2-T4
  • occipital
  • posterior
  • anterior
  • extension
  • contralateral
  • ipsilateral

Question 18

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the MULTIFIDUS muscle of the TRANSVERSOSPINALES, the deep deep muscles of the back. ORIGIN: sacrum, [blank_start]posterior[blank_end] iliac spine, common tendinous origin of [blank_start]erector spinae[blank_end], [blank_start]mamillary[blank_end] processes of lumbar vertebrae, transverse processes of [blank_start]T1-T3[blank_end], articular processes of [blank_start]C4-C7[blank_end] INSERTION: [blank_start]spinous[blank_end] processes of vertebral segments 2-4 segments above INNERVATION: [blank_start]posterior rami[blank_end] of the spinal nerves ACTIONS: [blank_start]stabilisation[blank_end] of the vertebral column
  • posterior
  • erector spinae
  • mamillary
  • T1-T3
  • C4-C7
  • spinous
  • posterior rami
  • anterior rami
  • stabilisation
  • lateral flexion
  • extension

Question 19

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the ROTATORES muscle of the TRANSVERSOSPINALES - the deep deep muscles of the back. ORIGIN: [blank_start]transverse[blank_end] processes of [blank_start]T2-T12[blank_end] INSERTION: [blank_start]lamina[blank_end] and [blank_start]spinous[blank_end] processes of the immediately [blank_start]superior[blank_end] vertebrae INNERVATION: [blank_start]posterior[blank_end] rami of the spinal nerves ACTIONS: [blank_start]stabilisation[blank_end] of the vertebral column and [blank_start]proprioception[blank_end]
  • T2-T12
  • transverse
  • lamina
  • spinous
  • superior
  • inferior
  • posterior
  • anterior
  • stabilisation
  • proprioception
  • flexion
  • extension

Question 20

Which of the minor deep deep muscles of the back spans between adjacent spinous processes to stabilise the vertebral column?
  • Interspinales
  • Intertransversari
  • Levatores costarum

Question 21

Which of the minor deep deep muscles of the back spans between adjacent transverse processes to stabilise the vertebral column?
  • Interspinales
  • Intertransversari
  • Levatores costarum

Question 22

Which of the minor deep deep muscles of the back originate from the transverse processes of C7-T11 and inserts at the rib immediately below in order to elevate the ribs?
  • Levatores costarum
  • Interspinales
  • Intertransversari

Question 23

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the intrinsic or deep deep back muscles.
  • Spenius capitis (cut)
  • Longissimus capitis
  • Iliocostalis cervicis
  • Iliocostalis thoracis
  • Levatores costarum
  • Spinalis
  • Iliocostalis lumborum
  • Transversus abdominis
  • Iliac crest
  • Gluteus maximus
  • Multifidus
  • Deep thoracolumbar fascia
  • Internal oblique
  • Longissimus thorasis
  • External intercostal muscles
  • Splenius cervicis
  • Splenius capitis
  • Semispinalis capitis

Question 24

Drag and drop the correct answers to show the intrinsic back muscles in close association with the vertebral column.
  • Intertransversari
  • Multifidus
  • Rotatores
  • Interspinales
  • Spinous process
  • Transverse process

Question 25

The following questions will be about the intermediate muscles of the back. Which of the following are part of this group?
  • Serratus posterior superior
  • Serratus posterior inferior
  • Spinalis capitis
  • Spinalis cervicis
  • Longissimus
  • Mutifidus
  • Rotatores
  • Semispinalis
  • Spinalis
  • Iliocostalis

Question 26

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the SERRATUS POSTERIOR SUPERIOR muscle of the INTERMEDIATE back muscles. ORIGIN: lower part of the [blank_start]ligamentum nuchae[blank_end], spinous processes of [blank_start]C7-T2[blank_end] INSERTION: ribs [blank_start]2-5[blank_end] INNERVATION: [blank_start]intercostal nerves[blank_end] ACTIONS: [blank_start]elevation[blank_end] of ribs 2-5
  • ligamentum nuchae
  • C7-T2
  • 2-5
  • intercostal nerves
  • elevation
  • depression

Question 27

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the SERRATUS POSTERIOR INFERIOR muscle of the INTERMEDIATE back muscles. ORIGIN: [blank_start]spinous[blank_end] processes of [blank_start]T11-L3[blank_end] INSERTION: ribs [blank_start]9-12[blank_end] INNERVATION: [blank_start]intercostal nerves[blank_end] ACTIONS: [blank_start]depression[blank_end] of ribs 9-12
  • T11-L3
  • 9-12
  • spinous
  • intercostal nerves
  • depression
  • elevation

Question 28

The following questions will be on the superficial muscles of the back. These are situated underneath the skin and superficial fascia and are associated with movements of the shoulder. Which of the following muscles are a part of this group?
  • Trapezius
  • Latissimus dorsi
  • Levator scapulae
  • Rhomboids
  • Serratus posterior inferior
  • Serratus posterior superior
  • Multifidus
  • Longissimus
  • Spinalis
  • Rotatores

Question 29

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the TRAPEZIUS muscle of the SUPERFICIAL back muscles. ORIGIN: skull, [blank_start]ligamentum nuchae[blank_end] and [blank_start]spinous[blank_end] processes of [blank_start]C7-T12[blank_end] INSERTION: clavicle, acromion and [blank_start]scapula spine[blank_end] INNERVATION: motor innervation by [blank_start]the accessory nerve (CNXI)[blank_end] and proprioceptive fibres from [blank_start]C3 and C4[blank_end] ACTIONS: upper fibres [blank_start]elevate[blank_end] the scapula and [blank_start]rotate[blank_end] during [blank_start]abduction[blank_end], middle fibres [blank_start]retract[blank_end] the scapula, lower fibres [blank_start]depress[blank_end] the scapula
  • ligamentum nuchae
  • spinous
  • C7-T12
  • scapula spine
  • C3 and C4
  • the accessory nerve (CNXI)
  • elevate
  • rotate
  • abduction
  • retract
  • depress

Question 30

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the LATISSIMUS DORSI muscle of the SUPERFICIAL back muscles. ORIGIN: [blank_start]spinous[blank_end] processes of [blank_start]T6-T12[blank_end], [blank_start]thoracolumbar fascia[blank_end], ribs [blank_start]10-12[blank_end] INSERTION: [blank_start]intertubercular sulcus[blank_end] of the [blank_start]humerus[blank_end] INNERVATION: [blank_start]thoracodorsal nerve[blank_end] (C6-C8) ACTIONS: [blank_start]extension[blank_end], adduction and [blank_start]medial[blank_end] rotation of the upper limb
  • T6-T12
  • spinous
  • thoracolumbar fascia
  • 10-12
  • intertubercular sulcus
  • humerus
  • thoracodorsal nerve
  • extension
  • medial
  • lateral
  • flexion

Question 31

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the LEVATOR SCAPULAE muscle of the SUPERFICIAL back muscles. ORIGIN: [blank_start]transverse[blank_end] processes of [blank_start]C1-C4[blank_end] INSERTION: [blank_start]medial border[blank_end] of the scapula INNERVATION: [blank_start]dorsal scapular nerve[blank_end] ACTIONS: [blank_start]elevation[blank_end] of the scapula
  • transverse
  • C1-C4
  • medial border
  • spine
  • dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
  • elevation
  • depression

Question 32

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the RHOMBOID MAJOR muscle of the SUPERFICIAL back muscles. ORIGIN: [blank_start]spinous[blank_end] processes of [blank_start]T2-T5[blank_end] INSERTION: [blank_start]medial border[blank_end] of the scapula INNERVATION: [blank_start]dorsal scapular nerve[blank_end] (C5) ACTIONS: [blank_start]retraction[blank_end] and rotation of the scapula
  • spinous
  • T2-T5
  • medial border
  • dorsal scapular nerve
  • retraction
  • protraction

Question 33

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the RHOMBOID MINOR muscle of the SUPERFICIAL back muscles. ORIGIN: [blank_start]spinous[blank_end] processes of [blank_start]C7-T1[blank_end] INSERTION: [blank_start]medial border[blank_end] of the scapula INNERVATION: [blank_start]dorsal scapular nerve[blank_end] (C5) ACTIONS: [blank_start]retraction[blank_end] and rotation of the scapula
  • spinous
  • C7-T1
  • medial border
  • spine
  • C1-C7
  • dorsal scapular nerve
  • retraction
  • protraction

Question 34

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the superficial back muscles.
  • Trapezius
  • Latissimus dorsi
  • Rhomboid major
  • Rhomboid minor
  • Levator scapulae

Question 35

The thoracolumbar fascia consists of three layers - posterior, middle, and anterior.
  • True
  • False

Question 36

Which muscle occurs between the anterior and middle layers of the thoracolumbar fascia?
  • Quadratus lumborum
  • Psoas major
  • Deep back muscles
  • Trapezius

Question 37

Where do the deep back muscles occur in relation to the thoracolumbar fascia?
  • Between the anterior and middle layers
  • Between the middle and posterior layers
  • Anterior to the anterior layer

Question 38

Where does the posterior layer of the thoracolumbar fascia extend to and from?
  • Between the 12th rib and the iliac crest
  • Between the vertebra prominens and the iliac crest
  • Between the sacral promotory and the 12th rib
  • Between the first rib and the iliac crest

Question 39

What does the thoracolumbar fascia meet as it extends laterally?
  • Internal oblique
  • Transversus abdominis
  • External oblique

Question 40

Where does the anterior layer of the thoracolumbar fascia attach? Check all that apply.
  • Transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae
  • 12th rib
  • Iliac crest
  • Vertebra prominens
  • Transverse processes of the thoracic vertebrae
  • Sacral promontory

Question 41

Laterally, the anterior layer of the thoracolumbar fascia is continuous with the aponeurotic origin of....
  • Transversus abdominis
  • Internal oblique
  • External oblique
  • Iliacus

Question 42

Superiorly, the thoracolumbar fascia thickens to become...
  • The lateral arcuate ligament
  • The linea alba
  • The linea semilunaris
  • The psoas sheath

Question 43

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the layers of the thoracolumbar fascia and how it separates the muscles of the back.
  • Psoas major
  • Quadratus lumborum
  • Deep back muscles
  • Anterior layer
  • Middle layer
  • Posterior layer

Question 44

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the thoracolumbar fascia and its layers in the back.
  • Psoas major
  • Quadratus lumborum
  • Erector spinae
  • Anterior layer of thoracolumbar fascia
  • Middle layer of thoracolumbar fascia
  • Posterior layer of thoracolumbar fascia
  • Transversus abdominis
  • Latissimus dorsi
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