BYU English 11 B Speedback_1


Quiz on BYU English 11 B Speedback_1, created by swelina on 13/04/2015.
Quiz by swelina, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Becky Kopplin
Created by Becky Kopplin over 9 years ago
Copied by swelina over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Although most people in town were concerned with the June horse race in Tiffin, Ohio, Joe was concerned with
  • finding himself a wife
  • why the water was up in Wine Creek
  • weather reports of a hurricane
  • townspeople who wouldn't pay their bills

Question 2

Joe organized the baseball club because he wanted to
  • have control and be listened to
  • put Winesburg on the map
  • be famous
  • be a coach

Question 3

How did George Willard feel on the day of the Fair?
  • lonely
  • angry
  • happy
  • disgusted

Question 4

Lucinda Matlock expressed frustration with her children because they
  • spent their lives trying to get wealthy
  • moved away from Spoon River
  • complained about life
  • didn't work as hard as she had

Question 5

According to Joe, how could the people in Winesburg know it rained "over in Medina County"?
  • They could learn it by mail.
  • They could learn it because of Wine Creek.
  • They could learn it from trains.
  • They could learn it by telegraph.

Question 6

When he got excited, what did Joe Welling not do to a bystander?
  • peered into his eyes
  • slapped his back
  • breathed into his face
  • pounded upon his chest

Question 7

George was angry about Westley's bragging about the victory of his horse Tony Tip because
  • it made people think more of Westley than they did of George
  • it reminded him of his own foolish boasting to Helen
  • because Westley told a lot better tall tale than George could
  • George was afraid the tale would endear Westley to Helen

Question 8

Which of the following is the best description of diction in the poem “Out, Out”?
  • Diction is not used in this poem.
  • The poem’s diction refers to words like “snarl, rattle, and leap,” which suggest the vulnerability of life in a world of powerful, inhuman forces.
  • The poem’s diction refers to the poem’s use of apostrophes, quotation marks, and other punctuation to create powerful dialogue or conversation.
  • The poem’s diction refers to the number of syllables per line, which is ten, thereby identifying the poem as free verse.

Question 9

Joe felt he should have George's job as a reporter because
  • Joe could work at odd moments
  • Joe had more education
  • Joe was a better writer
  • Joe knew more people

Question 10

We know that Joe was able to do some things because in his job he
  • set type
  • collected bills, booked orders, and did other things
  • took messages, wrote letters, and made appointments
  • rode horses

Question 11

Which of the following best identifies the point of view used in the story Sophistication?
  • first person
  • second person
  • third person limited omniscient
  • unreliable narrator

Question 12

Which of the following lines has an example of alliteration?
  • and nothing happened: day was all but done
  • doing a man's work, though a child at heart —
  • five mountain ranges one behind the other
  • sweet-scented stuff when the breeze drew across it

Question 13

At the end of the story, we understand that
  • Joe Welling was a weird character, and no one in the town accepted him
  • Joe Welling was mentally ill and would never lead a normal life
  • Joe Welling's compulsion to talk about his ideas got him out of a sticky situation
  • Joe Welling's past caught up with him, and he could not overcome it

Question 14

Richard Bone's epitaph paints him as hypocritical because
  • he took money from poor people
  • he chiseled epitaphs he knew weren't true
  • he didn't even know the people of Spoon River
  • he despised many of his customers

Question 15

Even though Helen White had spent months in the city, she remembered George Williard because
  • she wanted him to be conscious of the change in her nature
  • he had teased her throughout their school years
  • he was the smartest student in their class
  • she knew he would love living in the city, too

Question 16

According to the story, Joe was unlike anyone else in town because
  • his laziness prevented him from holding a job
  • in the throes of one of his ideas he was uncontrollable
  • he had once murdered a man
  • he was extremely wealthy

Question 17

Which of the following lines is an example of enjambment?
  • Under the sunset far into Vermont.
  • Call it a day. I wish they might have said
  • So. But the hand was gone already.
  • Neither refused the meeting. But the hand!

Question 18

After they finish breakfast, Mr. Webb tells his wife
  • like him, George wants to raise chickens
  • Emily and George should not marry
  • no one notices the groom at a wedding
  • a bridegroom should not see his father-in-law on the day of the wedding

Question 19

Although Emily's dying during childbirth was sad, it wasn't totally unexpected because
  • many women died during childbirth at this time in America
  • dying is part of life
  • every story (play) has a climax
  • all of the above

Question 20

During act 1, we understand that many of the characters are bothered by the behavior of
  • Simon Stimson
  • Mrs. Webb
  • Doc Gibbs
  • the stage manager

Question 21

Surprisingly, the dead are accepting of their situation.
  • True
  • False

Question 22

Living near one another facilitated the relationship between Emily and George because
  • their families socialized together
  • they attended school together
  • they saw each other more often
  • all of the above

Question 23

Our Town focuses on what two families?
  • the Creoles and Newsomes
  • the Gibbs and Webbs
  • the Crowells and Webbs
  • the Gibbs and Newsomes

Question 24

The flashback technique in act 3 is used to show that
  • people aren't aware of life while they live it
  • cemeteries are scary
  • dead people speak to each other
  • funerals are depressing

Question 25

What is Mr. Webb's profession?
  • He is a doctor.
  • He is the editor of the newspaper.
  • He is the town's mayor.
  • He is a retired grocery clerk.

Question 26

Act 2 is about
  • everyday life
  • love and marriage
  • the economic situation
  • death

Question 27

There are few props and little scenery in the play because
  • the actors need more space to act
  • they cost too much
  • they need to change the scenery fast
  • this forces the audience to use their imaginations

Question 28

As Mr. Webb describes Grover's Corners, he says the residents pay special attention to the birds. What does this tell us about the town?
  • They appreciate the simple things of life.
  • They have a bird-watching club in the town.
  • They don't have much else to do.
  • They dream of going far away like the birds do.

Question 29

When given the opportunity to revisit one day in her life, why did Emily choose her twelfth birthday?
  • Because it was when she felt total love from her parents.
  • Because while it was still a happy day, it wasn't one of her most important days.
  • Because she learned the greatest lesson of her life on that day.
  • none of the above

Question 30

The stage manager is the
  • director of the characters' actions and narrator
  • villain of the play
  • hero of the play
  • historian of Grover's Corner

Question 31

The theme of Our Town could be stated as
  • the dead shouldn't return to life
  • life in a small town at the turn of the century was ideal
  • the true value of life isn't apparent while we live
  • life isn't important when we consider eternity

Question 32

Right before the wedding, George feels panic.
  • True
  • False

Question 33

Why did Tom go with Burgess?
  • He was overwhelmed by all that needed to be done but knew May could do it alone.
  • He wanted to get away from the mess of the flood.
  • He was "beholden" to Burgess and would end up in jail if he didn't go.
  • He enjoyed working for Burgess.

Question 34

The house was not the only building affected by the flood.
  • True
  • False

Question 35

The family found their door half-opened, "but somehow it seemed natural. . . ." Why did finding the door opened seem natural?
  • The flood had violated their home; an open door symbolized that.
  • They had left it open when they escaped.
  • How else could the flood waters get in?
  • They assumed people would enter and take what they wanted.

Question 36

In "The Man Who Saw the Flood," one word to describe this family's reaction to the flood is "pragmatic." (Look up the word in the dictionary if you don't know what it means.)
  • True
  • False

Question 37

Why did May get a bucket and start cleaning immediately?
  • She knew they needed to sleep on the floors that night.
  • Tom ordered her to do so.
  • She realized that was her duty as a woman.
  • She could think of nothing else to do.

Question 38

At the end of the story how does Sally's request for molasses make Tom feel?
  • Sally didn't care that her father was in bondage to Burgess.
  • It represented her belief that Tom could take care of her.
  • She was just a child and only thought of herself.
  • He felt it was a silly request when they needed so many other things worse.

Question 39

The type of paper you will be writing for lesson 7 is
  • problem/solution
  • exemplification
  • cause/effect
  • comparison/contrast

Question 40

Which of the following is not a kind of reading and writing?
  • literary
  • functional
  • entertaining
  • informational

Question 41

What does the author mean by "they" in lines 3 and 16 of the poem "I, Too"?
  • other black people
  • family members
  • wealthy people
  • white people

Question 42

In "I, Too," the idea of moving from the "kitchen" to the "table" symbolizes
  • better employment
  • acceptance
  • aggressiveness
  • wealth

Question 43

What is the poem saying about America?
  • Black people love America.
  • All people were not treated equally.
  • Blacks felt white people would someday feel bad about the way they treated blacks.
  • all of the above

Question 44

In the excerpt from "How it Feels to be Colored Me," Hurston believes that those who are ____________ will do well in the world regardless of their color.
  • educated
  • strong
  • assertive
  • submissive

Question 45

Hurston compares the "terrible struggle" that made her an American to a
  • race
  • game
  • war
  • failure

Question 46

In the poem, "Primer for Black," the poet Brooks feels that blacks who think "It's great to be white" are lazy and lend strength to the white race.
  • True
  • False

Question 47

Brooks writes that black "has geographic power." What does she mean?
  • Blacks can vote for issues wherever they live.
  • Blacks can be found everywhere
  • There are laws that say blacks can live anywhere
  • all of the above

Question 48

Lines 19–22 and 25–30 in "The Weary Blues" tell the words the Negro sang. What is the difference between the two verses?
  • The second set is more upbeat than the first set.
  • The second set shows acceptance; the first set doesn't.
  • The first set shows resignation; the second set doesn't.
  • The first set is more upbeat than the second set.

Question 49

From hints he gave in the poem, what did the author feel about the musician and the blues music?
  • empathy
  • revulsion
  • pity
  • disgust

Question 50

The poet feels that he may be able to help the instructor learn more about black men by reading the theme he writes.
  • True
  • False

Question 51

The poet is educated, but struggling.
  • True
  • False

Question 52

In "Theme for English B," the poet feels that his instructor
  • should understand that they can learn from one another
  • is prejudiced
  • is expecting too much
  • won't read his theme

Question 53

Why does Hansberry feel that the Southside of Chicago is a place apart?
  • because you can see mansions and shacks next to one another
  • because you will find no businesses there
  • because of the mixture of people you will find there
  • because the people living there are poor, tired blacks determined to live

Question 54

According to Hansberry, "The only sinful people in the world were ____________ people."
  • dull
  • untrustworthy
  • prejudiced
  • disrespectful

Question 55

By saying her life "ain't been no crystal stair," the mother means that
  • her life has had no challenges
  • her life has been easy
  • her life has been a struggle
  • her life was simple

Question 56

Mother tells her son not to do all of the following except
  • don't fall
  • don't turn corners
  • don't turn back
  • don't set down

Question 57

Baldwin writes that "Any upheaval in the universe is terrifying because it so profoundly attacks one's sense of one's own _____________."
  • sense of humanity
  • character
  • reality
  • identity

Question 58

Baldwin writes that "Any upheaval in the universe is terrifying because it so profoundly attacks one's sense of one's own _____________."
  • sense of humanity
  • character
  • reality
  • identity

Question 59

Baldwin claims that whites do not understand their own history.
  • True
  • False

Question 60

Baldwin says his family has survived because of
  • anger
  • pity
  • their willingness to fight injustices
  • love

Question 61

In his letter, "My Dungeon Shook," Baldwin claims that the only thing that can destroy his nephew is believing he is what the white world calls a nigger.
  • True
  • False

Question 62

According to Baldwin, what kind of stock does his nephew come from?
  • strong black people
  • dreamers and visionaries
  • fighters
  • sturdy, peasant stock

Question 63

The rhyme scheme of "If We Must Die" is
  • abab cdcd efef gg
  • abac abac abac dd
  • aabb ccdd eeff gg

Question 64

The tone of this poem could be said to be
  • complacent/apathetic
  • accepting
  • defiant
  • compromising

Question 65

The "brother's sons" in line 10 refers to black men.
  • True
  • False

Question 66

The life situation that is symbolized by the sowing and reaping described in this poem is
  • gaining understanding from the material which you read
  • trying to plant seeds to bring more beauty to the world
  • being prepared for any challenge life may present
  • having sown good seeds, a black man feels his children still don't reap the benefits.

Question 67

The boy's greatest fear was
  • a loss of salary
  • death
  • amputation
  • his father's wrath

Question 68

When Joe began courting Sarah King, the townspeople
  • sensed a tragedy
  • warned Sarah about Joe
  • reminded Joe of Tom and Edward King's reputations
  • were thrilled about it

Question 69

At the end of the poem, the workers turn back to their affairs because
  • they didn't really care
  • they were not the one dead
  • the work had to be done
  • all of the above

Question 70

George Gray had one major regret in life. It was that
  • he was afraid of making choices and decisions
  • he had never married and had a family
  • he had spent too much time at sea
  • he had chosen the wrong profession

Question 71

Men watched Joe with eyes in which lurked
  • apathy combined with disbelief
  • disgust mixed with envy
  • amusement tempered by alarm
  • fear mingled with anger

Question 72

According to the story, what is the "sadness of sophistication"?
  • the recognition that he can't make a difference in the world
  • the knowledge that he must live and die in uncertainty
  • the understanding that life is unfair
  • the acceptance of the cruelty of life

Question 73

The indignation that "Indignation" Jones felt was because
  • He had died too young.
  • He had not received a good education.
  • The townspeople didn't recognize his worth.
  • He had not married well.

Question 74

In staging the play, having the dead on rows of chairs is meant to suggest
  • "waiting" for something
  • remembering earthly life
  • boredom
  • eternal rest

Question 75

Which of the following could be used to describe the basic attitude of the stage manager toward the town?
  • affectionate
  • agitated
  • indifferent
  • hostile

Question 76

Why does George want to see Helen the night of the Fair?
  • He wanted to make her feel the change in his nature.
  • He wanted to apologize for his previous boasting.
  • He wanted to tell her goodbye.
  • He wanted to talk her out of spending time with her college instructor.

Question 77

These lines are an example of
  • analogy
  • symbol
  • sonnet
  • anaphora

Question 78

A short story is usually an example of what kind of reading and writing?
  • functional
  • literary
  • science fiction
  • informational

Question 79

The last image Hurston refers to is herself as a
  • "bit of colored glass"
  • "first-water diamond"
  • "key to a door long since crumbled away"
  • "brown bag of miscellany"

Question 80

The author enjoys being colored because
  • she knows it bothers white people
  • she gets attention wherever she goes
  • she always knows where she "belongs"
  • she will get twice as much praise or twice as much blame

Question 81

Why did Brooks mention all the different colors in lines 32–39?
  • She meant that people of all colors can live together peaceably.
  • She feels strongly that black is better than the other colors.
  • She was pointing out that there are many "shades" of blacks.
  • She wants us to understand that God loves everyone.

Question 82

According to Brooks, what can rise from "the fact that we are Black"?
  • an understanding of God's purposes
  • a comprehension of group or individual uniqueness
  • a peaceful acceptance of life
  • a desire to fight for what is rightfully theirs

Question 83

Ancient cultures used shells the way we use dollar bills. Shells are to ancient culture as dollar bills are to modern culture. These lines are an example of
  • tone
  • sonnet
  • dialect
  • analogy

Question 84

The last line indicates
  • he didn't really have the "blues"
  • the singer was drunk and slept heavily
  • he was old and may have died after the exertion of his performance
  • he has no hope that things will improve

Question 85

Lines 19–21 show which of the following literary devices being used
  • analogy
  • rhyme scheme
  • symbol
  • dialect

Question 86

The basic assumption in the poem is
  • only black men can play the piano and sing at the same time
  • everyone has problems
  • all blacks have reason to sing the "blues"
  • all of the above

Question 87

In lines 27–32, the poet expresses the idea that
  • he had no white paper upon which to write his theme
  • the instructor won't accept what the poet writes
  • the instructor cannot know what it means to be black, but the poet understands what it means to be white
  • they are both human and have much in common

Question 88

The Hansberry family was openly affectionate with one another.
  • True
  • False

Question 89

According to Hansberry in the excerpt from "To Be Young, Gifted, and Black," writers are confronted by the problem of how much truth to tell.
  • True
  • False

Question 90

Her father spent many years fighting discrimination, and Hansberry lived to see his sacrifices pay off.
  • True
  • False

Question 91

In "Mother to Son," the mother says she has encountered all of these things on her journey except
  • splinters
  • torn up boards
  • dirty carpet
  • tacks

Question 92

According to Baldwin, the definition of Integration is
  • providing equal educational opportunities for all races
  • making acceptable housing available to all people
  • with love, force others to see themselves as they are
  • to be certain that an equal number of ethnic people share in all opportunities

Question 93

Baldwin says the root of his dispute with his country is
  • that citizens won't acknowledge their prejudices
  • that blacks are treated unequally simply because they are black
  • that blacks are not equal
  • that judges don't uphold the laws

Question 94

The first stanza of the poem "A Black Man Talks of Reaping" expresses
  • his fear that no one would reap the harvest
  • his frustration at the weather
  • his belief that his crop will grow
  • his worry that the grain would be destroyed

Question 95

In the Declaration of Independence the word “unalienable” is used instead of others for all the purposes except
  • because one of the denotations of the word “unalienable” is “not transferable” which means the writer understood that to the signers of the Declaration individual rights could not be given up to someone like a king.
  • To deliberately alienate and anger King and Parliament of Britain; to provoke them to war.
  • because one of the denotations of the word “unalienable” is “not capable of being taken away,” an idea that the writer wanted to make clear.
  • The connotation of the word “unalienable” suggests that the rights of a person are so much part of an individual’s being that they cannot be “alienated” or transferred to another.

Question 96

The long list of grievances in the “Declaration of Independence” is included for what purpose?
  • to make a logical argument so that the declaration seems justified and even necessary
  • to obscure the fact that the Declaration could be considered treason by the King
  • to create an image of a long-suffering people by using figurative language
  • to make an allusion to ancient Greece and Rome as models for the new government proposed

Question 97

According to Steinbeck, soldiers won't talk because
  • their body doesn't let them remember
  • no one is willing to listen
  • what happened is too horrible to relate
  • they know no one will believe what they say

Question 98

Steinbeck writes that a battle-weary soldier wants to sleep and
  • forget all he has been through
  • may see visions
  • falls into a deep, trance-like sleep
  • is discouraged because he can't sleep

Question 99

According to Steinbeck, what happens to a person's sense of time after constant battle?
  • Time speeds past in a haze.
  • Time is measured accurately because of heightened senses.
  • Time seems to slow down.
  • People lose all sense of time.

Question 100

According to Olsen, it's all right to feel fear, but
  • never act like you're afraid
  • don't allow it to interfere with the job you must do
  • don't admit it to your loved ones back home
  • don't let anyone know it

Question 101

Anyone walking through elephant grass should get a Purple Heart for all of these reasons except
  • it is swampy and treacherous
  • it is so thick you can't see more than a yard ahead of you
  • it is eight to fifteen feet high
  • it has razor-sharp edges

Question 102

What evidence did Olsen provide to prove his outfit was among the best?
  • No soldier in the unit had been lost.
  • They endured long, dangerous missions together.
  • Many of them had been highly decorated.
  • Some of the soldiers went on operations with broken ankles.

Question 103

The central (or main) theme or purpose of Lincoln’s argument in his “Second Inaugural Address,” though not specifically stated, was
  • To unite the participants in the war in the work still to be done: to act charitably towards each other and to establish peace.
  • To prove that God was on the side of the Union instead of the confederacy.
  • to show that God’s purposes, though unknowable, are “true and righteous.”
  • to show that both sides in the conflict were actually very similar; they prayed to the same God and read the same Bible.

Question 104

Why did words like "morbid" and "chaplain" jolt Olsen?
  • He didn't realize Red was so educated.
  • Both words brought war to mind.
  • They weren't words used in the military.
  • They reminded him of his college days.

Question 105

Chief Joseph reveals that some of his people opposed his surrender. Which group seemed to want to keep fighting?
  • young men
  • chiefs
  • the mothers
  • old men
  • everyone

Question 106

Which of the following traits of Chief Joseph is not revealed in this short speech?
  • empathy
  • rage
  • plain-spoken
  • forth-rightness
  • responsibility

Question 107

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • The cowboy only needed one morral for his belongings.
  • I had no illusions about a good grade because I failed the test.
  • The sortie during the battle resulted in the deaths of two men.
  • Many granite estuaries could be found throughout the park

Question 108

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • Bill was a great orator; he made wise decisions.
  • As the contest progressed, Maddie's adrenaline increased.
  • After twenty hours of work without a break, Jon entered into a state of inertia.
  • The cortex of his brain was injured in the accident.

Question 109

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • The automobile accident was a morbid sight.
  • Six years of piano lessons precluded my performing well at the recital.
  • The city's arterials were well-developed and easy to drive.
  • The road was treacherous because of all the sharp turns.

Question 110

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • The reticent crowd would not quit discussing their objections.
  • Sue's lack of a high school diploma became a millstone around her neck.
  • The insolent young man seemed to think he knew all the answers.
  • The visit to the crematorium was very traumatic for the tour group.

Question 111

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • That unstratified high school had four different grade levels.
  • Homage was paid to the Founding Fathers during the patriotic program.
  • I will decide which class to take on my own volition.
  • The Mexican vaquero reminded me of John Wayne.

Question 112

What is the usual tourists' reaction to the visit to Auschwitz?
  • complacency
  • a lack of interest
  • disbelief
  • silent horror

Question 113

All of the people buried in the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific died in the attack on Pearl Harbor.
  • True
  • False

Question 114

Why do you think Didion uses the word sleazy to describe the trip to Pearl Harbor?
  • People are making money from it.
  • The tour boats are bright pink.
  • Everything seems cheap and shoddy compared to what happened there.
  • The site is ill-maintained.

Question 115

Everyone is quiet at the Arizona site because of all the following except
  • The after-gun turret was still visible.
  • A flag still few over it.
  • There were 1,102 men entombed in it.
  • The "Star Spangled Banner" was played aboard the tour boat.

Question 116

The Council implores that the children should be told of which of the following?
  • songs
  • games
  • statesmen
  • stories
  • all of the above

Question 117

The Council objected to the fact that when white men win, it is referred to as a(n) ___________________, but when Indians win, it is called a(n) __________________________.
  • victory/treachery
  • battle/massacre
  • victory/incident
  • act of self-defense/act of murder
  • triumph/victory

Question 118

Cortez was known as a great vaquero for all of these reasons except
  • he could perform rope tricks better than anyone else
  • he knew a good horse when he saw it
  • he could pick up the trail of lost animals
  • he could talk to horses and they would understand

Question 119

Cortez was willing to be tricked by El Teco because
  • he was tired of running
  • he realized he no longer had a chance to escape
  • he learned the Rangers had jailed his wife, mother, and sons and were punishing everyone who helped him
  • he wanted El Teco to get the reward money

Question 120

The motivation for the rangers to catch Cortez was
  • to get the thousand-dollar reward
  • to kill a wanted man
  • to see revenge
  • to become famous and well thought of

Question 121

Krents looks forward to the day when people
  • will realize that everyone has a handicap
  • will make accommodations for handicapped people
  • will give more privileges to handicapped people
  • won't be able to tell if a person is handicapped

Question 122

Of all the misconceptions people have about the handicapped, the one most distressing to Krents is that they think handicapped people can't
  • marry
  • work
  • bear children
  • obtain a higher education

Question 123

The way many people respond to handicapped people was illustrated by Krents' telling of what happened to him
  • when he was hospitalized
  • as he went to the store to get groceries
  • at school
  • during a job interview

Question 124

Why could the last three lines of the poem be considered a tribute to his grandmother?
  • He accepts the fact that adages should rule our lives.
  • He finally learned to love her.
  • He realized if he tried hard enough he will remember all she taught him.
  • He wants to be able to impart wisdom to his kids just as his grandmother had done for him.

Question 125

What point was the author trying to make when he referred to the ants in line 43?
  • He felt they were lucky not to have to live by Grandmother's adages.
  • He sensed that ants even lived by rules.
  • He couldn't understand why his grandmother wasn't as wise as the ants.
  • all of the above

Question 126

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • Everyone wants to be accepted and validated.
  • In order to ventilate the stuffy room, Ann opened a window.
  • Once he paid the money, Greg's debt was effaced.
  • Lilly made periodic visits to the dentist because she simply never went.

Question 127

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • Upon graduation, Shauna sat musing about her future.
  • "A penny saved is a penny earned" is a well-known adage.
  • The cocky boy was narcissistic; he didn't like himself at all.
  • There was an imperative rule that said the students must pass a certain number of classes.

Question 128

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • I tackled the problem in increments.
  • Most children rightfully feel beholden to their parents.
  • Pat's father gave her a stern admonition about her bad attitude.
  • No one has tried to count the number of grains of sand in the world because the amount is infinitesimal.

Question 129

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • Going up a steep hill in a semi-truck usually causes deceleration.
  • The cloudy substance made the glass opaque.
  • It is difficult to validate honesty.
  • Finding happiness in life was paramount to Annie.

Question 130

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • The young man loved the dictatorial teacher because he was so kind.
  • The partners understood the contract was indissoluble.
  • Discretion was of paramount importance to the spy.
  • Jim decelerated when he spotted the Highway Patrol man.

Question 131

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • Many adages can be found in the bible.
  • The layers of ore in the mountain were stratified.
  • The teacher was so proud of Jake she denigrated him.
  • Joe unencumbered himself as he scaled up the mountain.

Question 132

How did her coworkers react when Quindlen quit her employment to become a full-time mother?
  • They praised her desires to spend more time with her children.
  • They were sad to see her waste her talents.
  • They thought she was nuts.
  • They knew she'd change her mind soon and return to work full time.

Question 133

The ultimate irony of the girl's foolish decision was that
  • the EDS wasn't even going to her brother's group on Woden
  • the Stardust could have returned for her, but refused to do so
  • had she been a man, Barton could have saved her
  • it was against regulations for her to communicate with any colonist

Question 134

How did Barton know he wasn't alone?
  • He experienced an intense feeling of someone being near.
  • The white hand of the tiny gauge on the board indicated an increase in heat.
  • He received a message from the Stardust that a stowaway was aboard.
  • He heard a slight sound of movement.

Question 135

What was the advantage of using EDSs?
  • They were inexpensive to build.
  • They only required a crew of five men.
  • Once the EDS arrived at a colony, it could be used by the colonists.
  • They were small, light, and fuel efficient.

Question 136

Why did she feel she was the victim of a cruel injustice?
  • She was of Earth.
  • She could not accept blame for her choices.
  • She was not a realistic person.
  • Barton convinced her she was a victim.

Question 137

When the author wrote that the stowaway "could not be permitted to take seven others with him," to whom was he referring?
  • The pilot of the EDS and the six sick colonists.
  • The entire crew of the EDS.
  • The crew of the EDS and three sick colonists
  • The crew of the Stardust.

Question 138

What did Commander Delhart suggest that Barton do about the stowaway?
  • He told Barton not to report it.
  • Solve the problem as well as he could.
  • Nothing. He was powerless to help.
  • He told him to decelerate the EDS.

Question 139

Why didn't the Stardust rescue the girl?
  • It could not alter its course in order to return.
  • It did not have another EDS aboard.
  • The commander wanted her to be an example for other potential stowaways.
  • It had already left at the speed of light.

Question 140

Why was the EDS dispatched to Woden?
  • to replace food supplies destroyed by a rare insect
  • to deliver serum to replace that which had been destroyed
  • to replace three of the colonists with new men
  • to make a periodic visit

Question 141

Why did Barton terminate all contact with the communicator from 18:13 to 19:10?
  • He knew it would save a small amount of fuel.
  • He could no longer cope with the situation.
  • He felt it indecent to let others hear what she would say in her last hour.
  • He was upset by their insensitivity.

Question 142

Why was Barton so surprised when the stowaway emerged from the closet?
  • She was a girl.
  • She was so pretty.
  • She was so small.
  • She was so young.

Question 143

The theme of this story is expressed in this sentence:
  • "Existence required order, and there was order; the laws of nature, irrevocable and immutable."
  • "h amount of fuel will not power an EDS with a mass of m plus x safely to its destination."
  • "It's different here; it's not like back on Earth."
  • "I want to live, and nobody is doing anything to help me."

Question 144

Why did Silas want to have another chance to work with Harold Wilson?
  • Silas wanted a chance to learn Latin from the educated young man.
  • So Silas could prove to Harold that he could find water with a hazel prong.
  • Because they were such a good team.
  • Silas wanted to prove that he had skills although he didn't have a formal education.

Question 145

Why did Mary feel Warren should accept Silas's help?
  • She knew Silas was sick and needed to come "home."
  • Mary knew Warren was short of help at that time.
  • Silas had been such good help in the past that Mary felt Warren owed him.
  • Silas was penniless and would gladly do anything asked of him.

Question 146

Why didn't Warren want Silas back?
  • Warren thought Silas was too old for such difficult work.
  • Warren couldn't depend on Silas to stay and do the work.
  • Silas expected too much money for what he did.
  • Silas had too much personal "baggage."

Question 147

Why didn't Roger run when Mrs. Jones left the door open?
  • He felt he might have a chance to steal some possessions from her.
  • He knew the other roomers would chase after him.
  • He recognized her caring for him and didn't want to betray her.
  • He was too afraid of what she would do to him.

Question 148

Why did Mrs. Lucille Bates Washington Jones take the boy home?
  • So she could call the police from her residence.
  • So she could feel that she had a son of her own.
  • So she could help him understand what he had done.
  • So the gathering crowd would think she was compassionate.

Question 149

What effect did it have on Roger when Mrs. Jones told him about herself?
  • He knew she couldn't possibly understand his situation.
  • He figured she was just "jerking" him around.
  • He saw her as a real person.
  • He thought she was old and senile.

Question 150

Roger had another opportunity to steal Mrs. Jones' purse. Why did he choose not to?
  • He knew she would turn him in.
  • He wanted a good meal first.
  • He figured there wasn't enough in it to worry about.
  • He didn't want to be mistrusted.

Question 151

The last line of "The Weary Blues" indicates
  • he didn't really have the "blues"
  • the singer was drunk and slept heavily
  • he was old and may have died after the exertion of his performance
  • he has no hope that things will improve

Question 152

Why is the Korean War sometimes called "The Forgotten War"?
  • It really didn't matter in the great scope of history.
  • It didn't last long and happened halfway around the world.
  • It is overshadowed by World War II and Vietnam.
  • Most people didn't want to remember it because so many lives were lost.

Question 153

Dwight Eisenhower was quoted as saying that he felt
  • world peace was not brought about by the conflict
  • a great victory was won in Korea
  • the end of the Korean War marked the end of all major wars
  • more fighting needed to be done

Question 154

What is one reason many historians feel the Korean War became important in world history?
  • Democratic nations joined together in a common cause.
  • Victory ensured the end of communism.
  • It divided North and South Korea.
  • Communism became even more powerful.

Question 155

According to historian John Toland, all of these contributed to the Korean War except
  • the Cold War
  • the economic instability of South Korea
  • the constant threat of nuclear disaster
  • Japan emerging as a viable presence in Asia

Question 156

At first O'Brien named things soldiers carried in their pockets and bags, then he described
  • things they carried from home
  • diseases they carried
  • feelings they shared
  • memories they told one another

Question 157

Why did O'Brien write the excerpt from The Things They Carried as one paragraph?
  • He wanted to let the images "pile up" and seem even more numerous.
  • He wanted it to seem longer than it was.
  • He wanted to make it easier to read.
  • He couldn't decide where to divide the ideas.

Question 158

According to O'Brien, one thing about the soldiers was that
  • they would always have reminders from home to carry
  • they could always refuse to carry unnecessary items
  • they would carry home common memories
  • they would never be at a loss for things to carry

Question 159

Calling three soldiers by name made the selection
  • more believable
  • more interesting
  • less tedious
  • less serious

Question 160

Chief Joseph's surrender indicates he wants to
  • pursue his grievances through the court system
  • try to find his missing children
  • punish the white man
  • regroup and fight later
  • all of the above

Question 161

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • Honesty is an inherent characteristic of Mr. Evans.
  • I was ambiguous about the decision because I knew exactly what to do.
  • Many toxins were released in her body while Sara was ill.
  • The CEO seemed to think he had omnipotence.

Question 162

Why does the author feel people write about Auschwitz?
  • to prove they really visited the place and know what they are talking about
  • to share new insights they have gained from the experience
  • to convince others that it really existed
  • to be courteous to those who died there

Question 163

People from all over the world come to Auschwitz for all of the following reasons except
  • to see if it really could be true
  • to remind themselves not to forget
  • to find out if their ancestors died there
  • to pay homage to the dead

Question 164

Why was it the "most terrible thing of all" that Brzezinka looked beautiful?
  • It showed people didn't want to remember what had happened.
  • People would pass by because they wouldn't recognize it.
  • The beauty hid what had happened there.
  • It meant that reminders of the concentration camp had been concealed.

Question 165

Why is the title of this selection considered ironic?
  • The author feels Auschwitz is not newsworthy.
  • The author feels everything has been written about Auschwitz that should be.
  • The author feels nothing new can be learned from Auschwitz.
  • The author feels people need to be reminded about Auschwitz.

Question 166

According to Dos Passos, if you have faith in the eventual goodness of man, you
  • will overcome any trials
  • will understand that only America makes that possible
  • will have faith in self-government
  • will understand the need for a good educational system

Question 167

According to Dos Passos, why should America's failures be admired?
  • They might contain seeds of overcoming evil.
  • They might help keep us humble.
  • They might help us build great empires in the future.
  • They might help other countries learn what not to do.

Question 168

According to Dos Passos, besides learning how to be an industrial nation, America also
  • needs to be more private about its failures
  • needs to refuse to engage in other wars
  • needs to improve relations among different races
  • needs to work on spreading out more evenly what people need

Question 169

Dos Passos told the students to admire America because
  • of our diversity
  • of all our inventions
  • of what we might become
  • of our magnificent land

Question 170

What did Didion want to find out about Pearl Harbor?
  • how many people still visit Pearl Harbor
  • how something that terrible could have happened
  • what kind of people visited the site
  • how people respond a quarter of a century later

Question 171

What point is the author making when she writes the last sentence, "The earth is raw and trampled in that part of the crater, but the grass grows fast, up there in the rain cloud"?
  • Many people visit the cemetery.
  • Nature does not respect the fact that this is a cemetery.
  • Time keeps moving on just as the grass keeps growing.
  • The site is at such a high altitude that few people visit it.

Question 172

The Council claimed that white men did all of the following except
  • burned their forests
  • murdered their women
  • took their land
  • destroyed their buffalo
  • ruined their hunting grounds

Question 173

According to the author, the trackers must have respected the abilities of Cortez because
  • many men refused to track him
  • they sent only their best men after him
  • unless there were more than ten or a dozen men, they would let him pass
  • they gave up the hunt after one day

Question 174

Why didn't El Teco enjoy the reward money?
  • he realized many other men should have also shared in the reward
  • he forgot where he buried it after hiding it from others
  • he couldn't spend it
  • he was full of guilt for having tricked Gregorio Cortez

Question 175

People everywhere were afraid of Gregorio Cortez.
  • True
  • False

Question 176

Why did Mrs. Jones give Roger $10.00?
  • She knew he would use it wisely.
  • She wanted to underscore her belief in his goodness.
  • She wanted to thank him for spending time with her.
  • She understood how desperately he needed a pair of new shoes.

Question 177

Why didn't Silas seek help from his rich brother who lived nearby?
  • Silas's brother had disowned him.
  • Silas knows his brother is ashamed of him.
  • Silas had hurt his brother, and the brother would not forgive him.
  • Silas had no idea where his brother lived.

Question 178

Mary finally expressed her fear to Warren about Silas. What did she fear?
  • Mary feared Silas had come home to die
  • Mary feared Silas would disappoint Warren again.
  • Mary feared Silas had returned to get revenge.
  • Mary feared Warren would be cruel to Silas.

Question 179

What word best describes the relationship between Silas and Harold Wilson (the young boy they hired to help Silas)?
  • contentious
  • friendly
  • loving
  • indifferent

Question 180

Gerry's first reaction to hearing Marilyn's voice was
  • complete anger
  • total delight
  • immediate compassion
  • terrible apprehension

Question 181

As the girl was waiting to speak with her brother she realized the most terrible thing about her dying is
  • that she won't be able to tell her parents of her love for them
  • that she'll be gone forever
  • knowing that she, herself, was responsible for her situation
  • that she will suffer great pain

Question 182

Why was Barton's conversation with Records so unusual?
  • The subject was not dead yet.
  • They had never processed a stowaway before.
  • The stowaway was a girl.
  • The girl wouldn't give her information.

Question 183

Why couldn't the girl speak with the brother right away?
  • The signal buzzer was broken.
  • He was outside the range of communication with the EDS.
  • The other colonists didn't know where he was.
  • He was outside the camp with a broken radio.

Question 184

When the girl said, "I knew I would be breaking some kind of a regulation," she was showing her ignorance of
  • physical laws
  • her environment on Earth
  • the laws of gravity
  • expectations for colonists

Question 185

The girl finally understood the difference between a man-made law and a physical law. What is the difference she discovered?
  • Physical laws could be over-ridden by man-made laws.
  • Man-made laws were based upon physical laws.
  • Man-made laws had unchangeable penalties.
  • The penalty for disobeying physical laws could not be altered.

Question 186

Why was Barton's decision to jettison Marilyn the only logical course of action for him to take?
  • She would die no matter what she chose to do.
  • She had violated a man-made law and Barton must punish her.
  • By jettisoning her, Barton acknowledged the consequences of her disobeying the regulations.
  • He was ordered to do so and must follow his superior's instructions.

Question 187

In the story, the word "cold" was used to symbolize all of the following except
  • an emotion
  • a temperature
  • as indifference
  • as a direction

Question 188

Hyperspace cruisers could not visit the space colonies at will for all of the following reasons except
  • they took a long time to build
  • there were some colonies that didn't need visits
  • this would destroy their schedule and create havoc
  • they were expensive to build

Question 189

Why didn't Quindlen want to be a mom as she was growing up?
  • She thought she would lose her identity and be reliant on a man.
  • Her mother encouraged her to have a professional career.
  • She was intelligent and felt she could contribute more to society by working.
  • She didn't want to be like everyone else.

Question 190

What helped Quindlen learn to love her choice of becoming a mother?
  • proving the feminists wrong
  • the challenge of rearing children
  • She realized she didn't need anyone to validate her any more.
  • doing the Noble Thing

Question 191

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • Raoul got straight As in school; conversely, he was a good student.
  • Parables in the bible can also be considered similitudes.
  • Many mythological characters are archetypes.
  • She was steadfast and doctrinaire in her beliefs which she practiced religiously.

Question 192

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • A four-leaf clover is considered a talisman for some people.
  • The church window was opaque so we could see inside.
  • Jeffrey became inured to the taunts made by his classmates.
  • Marie became piqued when the judge questioned her.

Question 193

Why did the author blame his grandmother for much that happened in his life?
  • He rebelled against all of the adages he grew tired of.
  • He put too much stock in her adages.
  • He felt she was stiff and stubbornly upright and that had set a pattern for his life.
  • She was rigid and totally ruled by her adages and he hated that about her.

Question 194

How did the author's grandmother encourage him to learn words of wisdom?
  • She paid him to learn them.
  • She convinced him of their benefit.
  • He adored her so much he was glad to learn them from her.
  • She shamed him into learning them.

Question 195

At one time the author saw the world as "scriptural and stratified." What does that mean?
  • All behavior could be classified using the Bible as a foundation.
  • There was a wise saying for every situation.
  • All adages are arranged in order according to topic.
  • All wisdom could be found in the Bible.

Question 196

The attendant's stated intention was to teach the children
  • that every snake shouldn't be killed
  • that all snakes are dangerous
  • not to be afraid of snakes
  • how to hold a snake safely

Question 197

What is the irony of the last sentence of the essay?
  • She felt she would have learned more if she had gone to the exhibit showing the human heart.
  • She had actually made a journey through the human heart by what she had just observed.
  • She had had time to go to both exhibits.
  • She had lost all interest in the human heart exhibit after what had happened to Miss Aitcheson.

Question 198

What is the subjective word in the first paragraph that gives a hint of the author's emotions?
  • ". . . Match their cries to the heart's beating."
  • " It was a popular exhibit."
  • ". . . heart had already been punished for the day — "
  • ". . . floor of the blood vessel was worn . . . "

Question 199

How did the children feel about Miss Aitcheson when she "tore the snake from her throat and threw it on the floor"?
  • They realized she was city-bred and didn't blame her for her reaction.
  • They admired her honest reaction.
  • They were angry at the attendant for causing pain for their teacher.
  • They were shut against her; they no longer saw her as a role model.

Question 200

Immediately following the sentence "If they see you're not afraid, then they won't be," the author used what kind of details to illustrate her feelings toward the teacher?
  • subjective
  • objective

Question 201

What did the author mean when she wrote that the attendant's perception "had grown a reptilian covering"?
  • He seemed as harmless as most snakes.
  • He seemed unaware of Miss Aitcheson's discomfort.
  • He seemed as devious as the snake.
  • He seemed as frightened as Miss Aitcheson.

Question 202

The children's reaction was expressed subjectively by the author using these words:
  • "waiting, waiting"
  • "everyone watched"
  • "cruelly persistent tension"
  • "full of admiration"

Question 203

Once the attendant draped the snake around her neck, Miss Aitcheson did all of the following except
  • held her breath
  • smiled
  • jerked her head
  • stood rigid

Question 204

The boy feels ______________; the snowman feels ______________.
  • pleasure/pain
  • unhappiness/discontent
  • fear/contentment
  • lonely/fulfilled

Question 205

Why did the snowman seem to cry?
  • He knew he didn't have long to live.
  • He was concerned because the boy seemed so afraid.
  • He wanted to go inside but knew he couldn't.
  • He wasn't crying; he was melting.

Question 206

What is the literary technique used when referring to the snowman as a person?
  • personification
  • consonance
  • alliteration
  • allusion

Question 207

The first thing that Addie saw that convinced her the new neighbors were crazy was
  • the furniture
  • the cat
  • the moving van
  • the maid

Question 208

What is ironic about Addie preventing the neighbors from throwing rocks through the windows because ". . . destroying private property is a crime . . ."?
  • Apparently destroying lives through gossip and innuendos is not a crime.
  • Addie was able to convince the townspeople to be more neighborly.
  • Destroying private property isn't considered a crime if you are defending yourself against foreigners.
  • Addie gains our sympathy as a good person because of this action.

Question 209

Addie Spinner went to the West's front door when she returned the bowl for all of these reasons except
  • they had a maid.
  • they were new in town.
  • she wanted to see how the furniture was set out.
  • she wanted them to know she was as good as they were.

Question 210

Another irony at the end of the story is that
  • people continued to talk about fairies and leprechauns even after the Wests moved
  • Samantha had kittens well past "her kitten days"
  • people are now gossiping about Addie and her kittens
  • many of the children in town wanted one of Samantha's new kittens

Question 211

All of these things began to happen in the town except
  • mushrooms began to grow wildly by Addie's back door
  • her cat spat when Addie removed a collar the cat was wearing
  • a leaf basket on Addie's kitchen table was filled with hazelnuts
  • grapes appeared on her back step and seemed to be covered with silver dust

Question 212

What was frustrating about the Wests when the townspeople spoke to them?
  • The Wests were eager to become friends with everyone in town.
  • The Wests seemed to know a lot about everyone in town.
  • The Wests never provided much information when questioned.
  • The Wests ignored all the townspeople.

Question 213

Which of the following statements shows Addie to be self-righteous?
  • "Then I found out they were dancing next door."
  • "You would have thought I was the chairman of a committee or something."
  • "And most of all a wife ought to go to the store herself where she can meet her neighbors and not just send the maid."
  • "Tom Harris is too gentle on that boy."

Question 214

Why was Addie so bothered by the music coming from next door late at night?
  • They danced to the music like heathens.
  • The music was loud and obnoxious.
  • They were playing the loud music just to annoy the townspeople.
  • People haven't got any right to live like that.

Question 215

Why did Lindbergh give up on trying to make contact with the boats and fly on?
  • He saw his attempts to contact them were impossible.
  • He finally figured out how close land was.
  • He realized he was wasting light and fuel.
  • He realized they couldn't speak English anyway.

Question 216

How did people on the ground react when they saw a plane flying overhead?
  • They looked up and waved.
  • They completely ignored it.
  • They went for weapons to shoot him down.
  • They ran for cover because they were afraid.

Question 217

How did Lindbergh know it was Ireland and not another country that he saw?
  • The wide roads were paved.
  • It had no mountains.
  • There were large, sprawling farms.
  • It was so green.

Question 218

Why did Lindbergh feel land was near when he saw boats?
  • The boats were so small he knew they couldn't go far from land.
  • No sea vessel can be found very far from land.
  • He had been flying so long he knew land must be near.
  • He knew this couldn't be a mirage, too.

Question 219

Lindbergh wrote "a strange flight, where dreams become reality, and reality returns to dreams." What does that mean?
  • Dreams must be possible or they are a waste of time.
  • Dreaming is more important than reality.
  • His goal was fulfilled but was so awesome it seemed unreal.
  • You can make anything happen if you try hard enough.

Question 220

Lindbergh questioned himself when he thought he saw land for all of these reasons except
  • he wanted to see land so much he questioned reality
  • he was ahead of schedule
  • he was deprived of sleep and questioned himself
  • he was afraid it was another mirage

Question 221

When he thought he saw boats, Lindbergh thought the fishermen were hiding for all of these reasons except
  • the roar of the engine frightened them
  • they were afraid the airplane was a demon from the sky
  • they were fishing illegally and didn't want to be caught
  • they had never seen an airplane so far over the ocean before

Question 222

Before he lost the "feel" of flying, what had Lindbergh always inherently known while flying?
  • His flying speed and whether he was stalling.
  • Which direction he was going.
  • His calling in life.
  • How long he had been in the pilot's seat.

Question 223

According to the neighbor, fences are needed
  • to keep out wandering animals
  • to show others how much land you own
  • to maintain good relations with neighbors
  • all of the above

Question 224

Why does the author question the need for a fence?
  • The neighbors both know the area of their property; a fence doesn't need to mark it.
  • No one else living around them has a fence.
  • The neighbor only has two cows, and they never wander off.
  • He has apple trees; his neighbor has pines.

Question 225

The wall in this poem symbolizes all of the following except
  • invisible "stop" signs we show to others
  • a barrier to be overcome
  • the need to separate good people from bad people
  • not "touching hearts" with other people

Question 226

What made stacking the rocks in the fence so difficult?
  • The varied shape of the rocks made them difficult to stack.
  • Thieves had stolen some of the rocks.
  • Animals had covered up many of the rocks.
  • It was difficult because only one person was doing it.

Question 227

What does the author mean when he says his neighbor "moves in darkness"?
  • He seldom comes out of his house during daylight.
  • He never knows where he's going when he leaves his house.
  • He doesn't understand the world around him.
  • His mind is closed to new ideas.

Question 228

The author takes pride in all of the following except
  • he has not winced
  • he is unafraid
  • he has not cried aloud
  • he has not hurt another person

Question 229

The overall theme of the poem is
  • that he doesn't care how other people feel
  • that he is in control of his life
  • that he knows he will gain an eternal reward
  • that he will prove his way is best

Question 230

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • Most older people are usually stunned at how much their bodies degenerate.
  • The effete mother looked forward to preparing the formal meal.
  • The boy scout gnashed the stones together attempting to start a fire.
  • A captious person finds fault with everything.

Question 231

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • Thousands of concert ticket holders caused the line to be askew.
  • Maria had few friends because she was so captious.
  • The phantom pounded on the big oak door with both fists.
  • The habit of gnashing his teeth required Keith to need extensive dental care.

Question 232

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • There was an enormous chink in the concrete wall of the bombed building.
  • Swimmers realize it's usually safe to swim in the shallows.
  • The futility of the battle was obvious as the enemy was better equipped.
  • Fjords can commonly be found in the Scandinavian countries.

Question 233

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • Washing the dress again was an exercise in futility; the stain was permanent.
  • My grades in math degenerated from Cs to Bs.
  • It was uncanny how Hal always knew the correct answer.
  • Kevin sensed a phantom was keeping him from his homework.

Question 234

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • The class was impressed by the amount of fauna at the zoo.
  • Sometimes it is difficult to become acclimated to air conditioning once summer begins.
  • The dories hoisted their sails to the wind.
  • Beriberi was a common disease among ancient seamen.

Question 235

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • Many people plant various flora in their gardens each spring.
  • Susan had the uncanny ability of knowing what I was going to say before I said it.
  • Nuns sometimes cloister themselves as they begin their life's work.
  • Snakes secrete venom and are never dangerous.

Question 236

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • Being effete, the cheerleader jumped with great enthusiasm.
  • The garden snake was coiled around the small bush.
  • The altimeter indicated we were losing altitude.
  • The bitumen used to repair the road was still sticky.

Question 237

Which of the following sentences uses the italicized word incorrectly?
  • The reptilian skin on the man's arms was painful to look at.
  • The soldiers' lines were askew as they marched in perfect harmony.
  • Moving to a big city from the country requires acclimation skills.
  • All of the bedsprings were coiled.

Question 238

What technique does the author use when she says the waltz has lasted "thirty-five years"?
  • allusion
  • aphorism
  • symbolism
  • exaggeration

Question 239

During the story the girl uses several words that are used in football. What is the irony in using these words?
  • Dancing is like a sport.
  • He dances like he would play football.
  • Many of the steps they take can be found in both activities.
  • Football players must also be graceful on their feet.

Question 240

The girl didn't want to dance with the boy because
  • none of the other girls wanted to dance with him, so why should she?
  • she had watched him and knew he wasn't a good dancer
  • he didn't even know her name
  • he came from a country family with few manners

Question 241

Even though the girl never describes herself, from her commentary and the thoughts she was expressing, we can assume which word below would best describe her?
  • demanding
  • aggressive
  • sweet
  • hypocritical

Question 242

The girl in this story would be considered static because she changes from the beginning of the story to the end.
  • True
  • False

Question 243

What is sad about Flick's life?
  • He could not afford a higher education.
  • People made fun of him.
  • He has had some real tough breaks in life.
  • He never achieved anything greater than his high school days.

Question 244

The author writes that the "ball loved Flick," but the lug wrench is indifferent. What does that mean?
  • He was able to make the ball respond to him, but the lug wrench is simply a tool that he has to work.
  • The ball performed for Flick, but he can't figure out how to work a lug wrench.
  • His basketball glory is more important than what Flick does now.
  • No one at the gas station cared about his past.

Question 245

How are Pearl Ave. and Flick Webb similar?
  • They are both well-known in the town.
  • Pearl Ave. is where Flick was born.
  • They both ended without going far.
  • Berth's Garage is important to both the avenue and to Flick.
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