Headway Advanced 4TH Unit 1 What makes us human? Revision


Quiz on Headway Advanced 4TH Unit 1 What makes us human? Revision, created by Csabi Berger on 29/10/2015.
Csabi Berger
Quiz by Csabi Berger, updated more than 1 year ago
Csabi Berger
Created by Csabi Berger over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What is the meaning of 'dismayed'?
  • ill
  • impressed
  • disappointed
  • horrified

Question 2

What do you do with your telephone if you're really angry and want to stop talking to the caller?
  • destroy it
  • slam it
  • shut it
  • hang it up

Question 3

Which is a synonym to the word 'trait'?
  • take care of someone
  • main
  • detail
  • characteristic

Question 4

Match the words with their meanins: [blank_start]forebear[blank_end] a person in your family who lived a long time ago [blank_start]trait[blank_end] a particular quality in your personality [blank_start]chief[blank_end] most important [blank_start]trace[blank_end] an object or a sign that shows that something existed or was present [blank_start]perplexing[blank_end] making you confused or worried because you do not understand it [blank_start]puzzling[blank_end] making sb feel confused because they do not understand it BAFFLE [blank_start]claim[blank_end] a right that sb believes they have to something, esp. property or land [blank_start]strike[blank_end] o come into somebody’s mind suddenly [blank_start]helpless[blank_end] unable to take care of yourself or do things without the help of others [blank_start]imply[blank_end] suggest that sth is true or that you feel/think something without saying [blank_start]upright[blank_end] in or into a vertical position [blank_start]feat[blank_end] an action or a piece of work that needs skill, strength or courage
  • forebear
  • trait
  • chief
  • trace
  • perplexing
  • puzzling
  • claim
  • strike
  • helpless
  • imply
  • upright
  • feat

Question 5

1. Would you [blank_start]fancy[blank_end] a beer tonigh? 2. I think you've got the skills you can build [blank_start]on[blank_end] in the future. 3. The reason why my children keep having stomachaches is that they don't [blank_start]chew[blank_end] their food properly before swallowing it. 4. The history of the autumn festivities dates [blank_start]back[blank_end] to Celtic times. 5. The [blank_start]fossil[blank_end] of a 150-million-year-old Stegosaurus has recently been discovered on the shores of California. 6. If you delete some of your useless apps, this will [blank_start]free up[blank_end] quite a lot of memory on your tablet. 7. Moving back to her hometown would [blank_start]stir[blank_end] a lot of emotions for Giulia. 8. Be aware that poisonous snakes [blank_start]inhabit[blank_end] this jungle! 9. His trainer remarked at the immediate [blank_start]bond[blank_end] which formed between Pete and I. 10. We [blank_start]put[blank_end] our heads together and came up with the brilliant idea of a trip to Thailand. 11. Henry must have [blank_start]walked along[blank_end] when I was too preoccupied with the shop windows. 12. They have faced problems [blank_start]beyond[blank_end] your comprehension.
  • fancy
  • like
  • care
  • for
  • in
  • on
  • chew
  • chunk
  • chuck
  • away
  • back
  • up
  • remains
  • body
  • fossil
  • free up
  • liberate away
  • enable up
  • provoke
  • stir
  • mean
  • dwell
  • inhabit
  • live
  • connection
  • spirituality
  • bond
  • took
  • bumped
  • put
  • walked along
  • went on walking
  • walked away
  • behind
  • beyond
  • between

Question 6

Complete the sentences with one of the words you came across in the previous exercises. 1. Alexander keeps putting himself into situations [blank_start]beyond[blank_end] his capabilities, I don't understand why? 2. I've decided to stop playing golf as it will definitely [blank_start]free[blank_end] up some time in my calendar for other things I enjoy doing. 3. I have to sit in the [blank_start]upright[blank_end] position when the plane takes off, otherwise I might suffer from a backache for a week. 4. We've just been told that a gang of murderers had [blank_start]inhabited[blank_end] our house in the 1950s. 5. One of the most [blank_start]puzzling[blank_end] aspects of the crime was how she could murder her own husband and children? 6. The furniture in this house all [blank_start]dates[blank_end] back to the early 18th century. 7. Whenever a new idea [blank_start]strikes[blank_end] me, I prefer to have pen and paper with me to be able to write my thoughts down. 8. Now that Karen and George are dead, their children can have a [blank_start]claim[blank_end] on their house. 9. One of the [blank_start]chief[blank_end] ideas Newton came up with was the notion of gravity. 10. Getting married is nothing else but creating a [blank_start]bond[blank_end] between a man and a woman. 11. We decided to put our [blank_start]heads[blank_end] together and see how we can save the company from bankruptcy. 12. I don't think she [blank_start]fancies[blank_end] me, as she keeps turning down my invitations. 13. There seemed to be so little mutual interest, so little to [blank_start]build[blank_end] on 14. She took a gummibear from the bowl and began to [blank_start]chew[blank_end] it very loudly. 15. The [blank_start]fossil[blank_end] of a 150-million-year-old Stegosaurus has been discovered on the shores of California. 16. Gifting her photos of her past may not be the best idea, they would certainly [blank_start]stir[blank_end] emotions in her about the worst periods of her life. 17. You'll discover more and more pictures on the walls as you walk [blank_start]along[blank_end]. 18. Mozart's sons didn't seem to be so talented as their [blank_start]forebear[blank_end]. 19. One curious [blank_start]trait[blank_end] of Jamie's character is how she can always find a way to talk to you in a nice manner. 20. I always wanted to see the Cretan labyrinth, so I was [blank_start]longing[blank_end] to see whether any trace of it survives at Knossos. 21. The amusement park is packed with [blank_start]perplexing[blank_end] puzzles to solve. 22. Nami felt so [blank_start]helpless[blank_end] when her son was undergoing operation and all she could do was sit in the waiting room and wait for the news. 23. Her hatred towards children doesn't necessarily [blank_start]imply[blank_end] that she never wants to have children. 24. We hereby congratulate you on this remarkable [blank_start]feat[blank_end] of you having broken the world record for the second time in a row.
  • beyond
  • free
  • upright
  • inhabited
  • puzzling
  • dates
  • strikes
  • claim
  • chief
  • bond
  • heads
  • fancies
  • build
  • chew
  • fossil
  • stir
  • along
  • forebear
  • trait
  • longing
  • perplexing
  • helpless
  • imply
  • feat

Question 7

Match the expressions below to the corresponding age group they are most typical of. BABY [blank_start]ride in a buggy[blank_end](4 words), [blank_start]graze your knee[blank_end](3 words), [blank_start]crawl[blank_end] (1 word) CHILD [blank_start]play with playdates[blank_end](3 words)), [blank_start]colour in[blank_end](2 words, [blank_start]carry a heavy satchel[blank_end] (4 words) TEENAGER [blank_start]swot for exams[blank_end](3 words), [blank_start]teeter on high heels[blank_end](4 words), [blank_start]go clubbing[blank_end] (2 words) ADULT [blank_start]get a mortgage[blank_end](3 words), [blank_start]have a pot belly[blank_end](4 words), [blank_start]settle down[blank_end](2 words) ELDERLY [blank_start]need reading glasses[blank_end](3 words), [blank_start]go grey[blank_end](2 words), [blank_start]insomnia[blank_end](1 word)
  • ride in a buggy
  • graze your knee
  • crawl
  • play with playdates
  • colour in
  • carry a heavy satchel
  • swot for exams
  • teeter on high heels
  • go clubbing
  • get a mortgage
  • have a pot belly
  • settle down
  • need reading glasses
  • go grey
  • insomnia

Question 8

Complete the expressions that name the pictures in the collage. (use verbs in infinitive without to, e.g.: put on clothes)
  • nappies
  • have an afternoon nap
  • play truan
  • memory loss
  • have a pot belly
  • go on a cruise

Question 9

Karen: Guess what! I was completely [blank_start]blown away[blank_end] when I saw my sister bake that cake for me. It was the best birthday of my life! Philip: Sally baking? Come on, [blank_start]pull the other one[blank_end]! How can she bake? Karen: [blank_start]I'm dying[blank_end] to know that, too! But don't think she's such a [blank_start]couch potato[blank_end] necessarily, she likes helping out with the housework every now and then. Philip: I think she just knows she [blank_start]means the world to you[blank_end] and wanted to impress you. With her [blank_start]hectic[blank_end] lifestyle, it's a miracle you found her at home on your birthday. Karen: I know, I was [blank_start]thrilled to bits[blank_end] when I saw the whole family finally gather together for my sake. Although Uncle Jonas was [blank_start]getting at me[blank_end] for wearing the "wrong" dress, as he always does, we enjoyed the party. Philip: I was absolutely [blank_start]gutted[blank_end] when I heard Chloë wasn't coming. I was expecting her. Karen: Don't [blank_start]make such a fuss[blank_end] about asking her out. I think you should definitely call her. Philip: I don't know. The last time I was trying, I totally [blank_start]lost it[blank_end]. I guess I'm just not brave enough. Thanks for helping me out at that time. Karen: [blank_start]It was nothing[blank_end], really nothing.
  • blown away
  • pull the other one
  • I'm dying
  • couch potato
  • means the world to you
  • hectic
  • thrilled to bits
  • getting at me
  • gutted
  • make such a fuss
  • lost it
  • It was nothing

Question 10

Even though the race was extremely close, Tom managed to ... first, thus, winning the local trophy.
  • put
  • arrive
  • come
  • go

Question 11

I could ... for not studying hard enough at secondary school. I could have become an engineer.
  • kick myself
  • kick
  • blame myself
  • blame

Question 12

React for the following sentences with one of the emotional everyday expressions. 1. How did you feel when your family bought you a new white BMW? Were you surprised? I was [blank_start]blown away[blank_end]! 2. Justin Bieber is only 16 years old! Come on! [blank_start]Pull the other one[blank_end]! 3. Do you want to know why yawning is contagious? I do! I really want to know! [blank_start]I'm dying[blank_end] to know! 4. How would you feel if the neighbour was refurbishing while you are preparing for your most important exams? I would totally [blank_start]lose it[blank_end]! 5. What didn't you contact the agency yesterday? I couldn't [blank_start]get through to[blank_end] them, there was a terrible storm. 6. How did you feel last Saturday when The Spiders lost 56-34? I know how big a fan you are. I was [blank_start]gutted[blank_end], I thought they'd be better this season.
  • blown away
  • Pull the other one
  • I'm dying
  • lose it
  • get through to
  • gutted
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