33. People Process Information Best in Story Form


Slide Set on 33. People Process Information Best in Story Form, created by Julie Mastbrook on 28/03/2018.
Julie Mastbrook
Slide Set by Julie Mastbrook, updated more than 1 year ago
Julie Mastbrook
Created by Julie Mastbrook over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Why use stories?
    Stories are an effective way to help your user better understand information and stay engaged with the content you provide.
    Caption: : Photo courtesy of: http://blog.sendlane.com/the-art-of-storytelling/

Slide 2

    The Facts Regarding Stories
     The Three Act Structure This type of story has a beginning, middle, and end. The Classic Story This type of story has been around for a long time and usually follows a popular plot. Examples include mystery, romance, coming of age, etc.    
    Reading or listening to a story can cause the user to imply causation even if there is none. Even if all the information isn't provided, the brain will make a connection between an event and a corresponding result even if it isn't clear that one exists.   Stories are appropriate in all settings. Even a dry document such as an annual report can benefit from a story to better help engage the reader.
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