key terms organ. chap. 7


Psychology Flashcards on key terms organ. chap. 7, created by Iris Freiberger on 28/03/2019.
Iris Freiberger
Flashcards by Iris Freiberger, updated more than 1 year ago
Iris Freiberger
Created by Iris Freiberger over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
job design process of linking specific tasks to specific jobs deciding what techniques and procedures should be used to perform task
scientific management set of principles designed to increase performance job simplification and specialisation
job simplification breaking up of work into smallest identifiable tasks
job specialisation assignment of employees to perform small and simple tasks
time and motion studies how long it takes to perform a task and best way to perform it
job enlargement increasing number of tasks but keeping all tasks at same level of difficulty and responsibility horizontal job loading
job enrichment increase responsibility and control vertical job loading
job characteristics model aim is to identify characteristics that make jobs intrinsically motivating
skill variety extent to which job requires use of diff. skills, abilities and talent
task identity extent to which jobs involves performing a whole piece of work from beginning to end
task significance extent to which job has impact on loves of other people
autonomy degree to which job allows freedom and independence to schedule work and decide how to carry it out
feedback extent to which job provides employee with clear info about his/her effectiveness
job crafting employee modifies tasks that compromise their jobs, how they view them and who they interact with while performing it
motivating potential score (MPS) measure of overall potential of a job to foster intrinsic motivation
experienced meaningfulness of the work degree to which employees feel their jobs are important, worthwhile and meaningful
experienced responsibility for work outcome extent to which employees feel personally responsible for their job performance
knowledge of results degree to which employee knows how well they perform their jobs on a continuous basis
social information processing model info from other people and employees´ past behaviours influence employees´perceptions to design of job
contingent workers employees hired on temporary basis to fill need for labour (can change over time)
organisational objectives overarching purpose of an organisation
social identity theory how individuals use the groups they are members of to define themselves
goal what an individual is trying to accomplish
goal-setting theory identifying types of goals that are most effective in producing high levels of motivation and performance
management by objectives (MBO) goal-setting process in which manager meets with with supervisor to set and evaluate goals
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