System design


Flashcards on System design, created by Mikael Caselitz on 03/09/2019.
Mikael Caselitz
Flashcards by Mikael Caselitz, updated more than 1 year ago
Mikael Caselitz
Created by Mikael Caselitz about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
8 System design issues 1. Identify design goals (non-functional) 2. Subsystem decomposition (functional) 3. Identify concurrency (dynamic) 4. Hardware/software mapping (object) 5. Persistent data management (object) 6. Global resource handling (dynamic) 7. Software control (dynamic) 8. Boundary conditions (functional)
Coupling and cohesion Cohesion: dependencies among classes Coupling: dependencies between subsystems Low Coupling & High Cohesion
Architectural style vs. architecture (Subsystem decomposition) Subsystem decomposition: Identification, relationship to each other Architectural style: Pattern for subsystem decomposition Software architecture: Instance of an architectural style
Layered architectural style Layer: subsystem that provides service to another subsystem with restrictions - Layer no knowledge of higher layer - Layer only depends on service from lower layer
Client server achitectural style One or more servers provide services to instances of subsystem Server does not know interface of server Client knows interface of server Response in general immediate
Design goals of Client-server srchitecture -Portability -Location Transparency -High Performance -Scalability -Flexibility -Reliability
Model view controller (MVC) architectural style Model (subsystem) -> updates View responsible for application domain View (subsystem) -> updates Model displays information to user Controller (subsystem) -> sends updates to Controller sub. responsible for interacting with user & notifying views of changes in model
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