09 Path-Goal Theory


Leadership in Organizations Flashcards on 09 Path-Goal Theory, created by Josefine Marie on 16/10/2020.
Josefine Marie
Flashcards by Josefine Marie, updated more than 1 year ago
Josefine Marie
Created by Josefine Marie over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Assumptions of Path-Goal Theory - effective leaders clarify the path to help followers achieve work goals - Goal: enhance employee performance and satisfaction by focusing on employee motivation -> leader behavior can be motivational and increase effort
Expectancy Theory - suggests that people are motivated by how much they want something and the likelihood they perceive of getting it - Subordinates will be motivated when they think they are capable of their work, they believe their efforts will result in a certain outcome, there are good payoffs
Path Goal Theory Two ways leaders can increase followers motivation: 1. Increase number+kind of payoffs that subordinates receive from their work 2. Making Path to goal clear and easy to travel, which makes the work itself more satisfying
Leader Behavior (1 of 3 main components of path goal theory) - Directive Leadership - Supportive Leadership - Participative Leadership - Achievement-oriented Leadership Leaders might exhibit any or all of these 4 styles in different situations, using more than one style at the same time is seen appropriate
Subordinate Characteristics (2 of 3 main components of path goal theory) - Need for affiliation -- Preference for structure Locus of control - self perceived level of task ability
Task characteristics (3 of 3 main components of path goal theory) - Subordinate task - Formal Authority system of the work setting - Primary Work group (MEHR INFOS FEHLEN)
Path-Goal Theory Matrix
Evaluation of Path Goal Theory Stengths: - framework to understand how leaders can increase subordinates satisfaction+performance - integrates motivation theory into leadership theory - gives practical informations when and how leaders can help subordinates to remove obstacles or clarify the paths to their goals Weaknesses: - difficult to grasp - moderatley supported in empirical research - fails to adequatley explain relationship between leadership behavior and worker motivation - treats leadership as one-way event
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