Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Health Promotion
- Health promotion is the process of enabling individuals and their communities to increase control over the determinants of their health (who1984)
- it entails making the healthier choice, the easier choice
- Health promotion factors
- Determinants
- Avoid victim blaming approach
- social and economic factors important
- Oral health determinants
- Plaque
- smoking/alcohol
- Cancers
- stress
- access to dentists
- Access to fluorid
- Multisectoral working
- Dentist-Limited influence on health
- Work with other health pro
- Link with other health promotions
- Need to collaborate with transport, social, housing, food manufacturers, education services
- Community Participation
- Active envolvment of communiy
- Empower individuals to control their health
- Population Approach
- Individual change is easier with population shifts
- Try to introduce social norms
- Link the general health policies
- Smoking
- Diet
- Excersice
- Range of stratagies
- Health education
- Legislation (no smoking in public places)
- Community development(no soft drinks in school)
- The Ottawa Charter (1986)
- 5 Key strategies
- Building healthy public policy
- A rule to guide decisions and achieve national outcomes
- A National food policy (healthy foods)
- National policy on baby bottles
- Bottle caries/night feeding/sweetened milk
- National policy on Fluoride (toothpastes/Fluoridation)
- A dental development policy
- Creating supportive enviroments
- Shops and their products
- attitudes to breastfeeding
- Strengthen community actions
- Networking on common issues
- Lay members on planning committies
- Develop coping skills
- increase self confidence
- Oral self examination
- Being a role model
- Re-Orienting health services
- Reach disadvantaged groups
- Focus on prevention
- Teamworking/networking