Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Byzantine Empire- The Dark Ages
- 533 AD
- The Romans
marched from
to Conquer
Western Europe
- At the time, former
Roman strongholds
were ruled by the
- The light of the
Roman empire still
shined in places like
Greece, Turkey, and
- Those territories were
still commanded by
Roman emperors,
protected by Roman
troops, and reaping all
the benefits of Roman
technology and trade.
- 3rd Century
- The Roman Empire
split in half, each half
governed by its own
- This system
allowed both
halves to
respond to
crisis quickly
- However, this
split left the West
at a disadvantage,
it didn't have the
resources the the
east side had.
- Before the split,
the wealth of the
east could prop
up the West. So
the West now had
to stand a fall on
its own
- 527 AD
- The ambitious
Justinian came
to power in the
- Justinian resolved
to export the
dream of the
Roman Empire
back to the
territories from
which it originally
came from