Industry Rivalry - Bargaining power of suppliers


Professional PHR SPHR Mindmap am Industry Rivalry - Bargaining power of suppliers, erstellt von Sandra Reed am 17/02/2015.
Sandra Reed
Mindmap von Sandra Reed, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sandra Reed
Erstellt von Sandra Reed vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Industry Rivalry - Bargaining power of suppliers
  1. Bargaining power of suppliers
    1. High differentiation among the products from suppliers such as if the supplier has a strong brand itself
      1. Low presence of substitues
        1. High switching costs for the customer in the case of a supplier change
          1. Low significance of the procurement for the suppliers, which means the purchasing volume from a supplier makes only a small percentage of the total revenue
            1. High cost relative importance of shopping for the company, either the cost have a high proportion of the total cost of the purchase of the company, or the starting material has a high impact on cost or differentiation position
              1. High concentration of suppliers: Oligopolistic (or even monopolistic) market structure at the supplier gives the company few alternatives to alternative suppliers and makes it easier for suppliers to enforce high prices
                1. Low risk of backward integration: The company can not credibly threaten to even produce the corresponding precursors (at least less credible than the supplier can threaten a forward integration)
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