Zusammenfassung der Ressource
SAB5#22_Methods of selection project
- Benefit measurement methods
- Murder board
- Peer review
- Scoring models
- Economic models
- You can choose one or more of these.
- Present Value
- The value today of future cash flows.
Avoid confusing Present value and Planned value
- Net present value
- Present value minus
cost over many
- The project with the greatest
NPV is selected
- Internat rate of return (IRR)
- The higher is the better
- Payback period
- Select one with the
shorter payback period
- Cost - benefit analysis
- Benefit/cost
Benefit cost ratio
should be
greather than 1
- Revenue is not the same as profit.
If benefit cost radio > 1 then benefits > costs.
if benefit cost radio < 1 then benefits < costs.
if benefit cost radio = 1 then benefits = costs.
- Economic value added (EVA)
- The project returns to the project more value than the initiative cost?
Is not the same as Earn Value Analisys
- The project returns
more value than the
initiative cost?
- Opportunity cost
- Is the value of the
project not selected
- Project A $45000
Project B $85000
Project Selectd = Project B
Opportunity cost = $45000
- Sunk cost
- Expended cost
- Is the over cost of the project and not should be considered when deciding whether to continue a troubled project
- Law of Dimishing returns
- A certain point, adding more inputs will
not increase productivity
- working capital
- Is the amount of money the company has available to invest
- Depreciation
- Straight line depreciation
- The same amount of depreciation is taken each year
- Accelerated depreciation
- is faster than straight line depreciation
- Double declining balance
- Sum of the year digits
- Constrained optimization methods
- Linear programming
- Integer programming
- Dynamic programming
- Multi - objective programming