Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Endocrine Principles
- 3 types of hormones
- Amines; tyrosine-derived
- Catecholamines (water-soluble)
- Thyroid Hormones
T3/4 (hydrophobic)
- Peptides (basically
all other hormones)
- Hypothalamic hormones (except dopAMINE)
- Pituitary hormones
- GIT hormones
- Steroids (cholestrol derivative)
- Sex Hormones (androgens)
- Adrenal Cortex
Hormones; Aldosterone +
Cortisol + androgens
- Renal
- 3 stimuli for hormone secretion
- Tropic Hormones
- Hormones that stimulate hormone
secretion. Eg: hypothalamic or
pituitary hormones.
- Plasma levels of
minerals, glucose,
- Since most hormones regulate the levels of
salt, sugar, and functional hormones in the
body, thus their levels are homeostasically
intertwined with (and regulated by) them.
- Neurotransmitters
- Involvement of the CNS indicates that
hormone secretion is also regulated by
thoughts, emotions, or autonomic signals etc.
- Clearance
- Rate of removal of hormone from the
blood; metabolic clearance rate =
Rate of disappearance from blood /
Plasma concentration of hormone
- 3 types
- Renal Excretion
- Hepatic modification or excretion into bile
- Interstitial/Intercellular metabolism
- Permisiveness
- Some hormones cause up-regulation of receptors and intracellular
signaling proteins for another hormone, creating a greater than
normal sensitivity to that other hormone's stimulatory function.
- Ex: Thyroid hormones up-regulate B-Adrenergic receptors
for catcholamines, enhancing their effects in the body.