Zusammenfassung der Ressource
how to cook
- does cooking bacon take any skill? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk_d7-DlnWo&edufilter=MGUNh5NTl7pppt5ddB-duQ
- does turkey bacon taste better than real bacon?
- how do you cook steak medium rare?
- how long do you cook meatloaf?
- how long does steak cook for?
- a longer time than wanted.
- An hour or 2
- cook the steak for 30 to 60 minutes
- no it does not at all
- Is deep frying dangerous?
- how does deep fried ice cream taste?
- how do you cook deep fried ice cream?
- is deep fried ice cream different then Mexican deep fried ice cream?
- no their is not really a diffrence
- deep fry a ball of ice cream
- to me not so good
- Yes it is very dangerous and a hazord
- How should ribs be cooked to so people think its perfect.
- no ribs can never be perfect their is just bod or good
- a little bit of effort