Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Magnetron- produces
short radio waves called
- Wave guide- rectangular
metal tube, that leads to
the stirrer
- Stirrer- fan like, moves
the waves on the inside
of the microwave
- Water Molecules- contained in
most foods, have positive and
negative charge at each end
- Molecules are pulled one way then
turned to the other, by a magnetic
field created by the waves
- back and forth motion between
the molecules happends 2.5 billion
times a second
- Rapid vibration
causes friction to
heat the food
- Acceptable dishes for the microwave
are, paper,plastic,glass,
and microwaveable dishes
- Unacceptable dishes are, mental,silver, or gold
- Some foods should not be
microwaved, examples: pancakes,
eggs in shells, and canning foods
- Microwaving foods is a lot faster way
to heat things up
- things to cover foods
while microwaving are
plastic paper, paper
towels, or waxpapr
- try to select foods
the same sizes
- prick some foods so the don't
explode before putting in
- rotating- helps foods
cook ore even
- piece food so you don't get burnt
- look for the hot
steam after
getting done to
prevent burning
- round containers will cook more
- foods in freezer will take longer
to cook
- Density will effect cooking time
- Jacob Watkins