Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Fats ~ Oils
- fats
- protect internal organs from shock and injury, insulate the body, and promote healthy skin.
- provide 9 calories per gram.
- A nutrient that is essential for body energy, insulation and protection
- oils
- Oils are fats that are liquid at room temperature.
- Oils come from different plants and from fish
- Fat is a great source of back-up energy. Should be secondary to carbohydrates.
- Fats are the most CONCENTRATED source of energy.
- Fat Function
- Supplies heat (insulation) Carries Vitamin A,D,E,K (the fat soluble vitamins) Adds flavor to food
Satisfies hunger, feel fuller longer Protects organs from shock and injury Promotes healthy skin
- Fat types
- Saturated Polyunsaturated Monounsaturated
- Fats that usually come from ANIMAL sources, solid at room temperature. (cheese, milk, meat, palm
oil, coconut oil)
- Trans fat is an unsaturated fat molecule chemically changed to be a solid fat.
- Hydrogenation: chemical process making liquid fat a solid fat
- Butter- fat extracted from milk and churned into a solid
- Margarine: butter substitute made with fat from plants
- Lard—extracted from animal fats
- Vegetable Oils: oils extracted from plant sources
- Vegetable Shortenings: a blend of oils HYDROGENATED to become a solid
- Rancid: Fats that have begun to decompose (you can smell it)