Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Hostage: Worry
- intro
- worry- German word "wurgen"
meaning to strangle/choke
- worry is the sin of distrusting the
promises and power of God
- how do we stop the
strangle hold of worry?
- Ph. 4.4-9
- Do what God says
- rejoice
- repeated
- not based on circumstances
- no situation beyond God
- be gentle
- worry often leads to irritablity
- worry means we are self focused
- focused on what is not going right
- God is at hand!
- give God what I can't handle
- Jesus spoke to this in Mt. 6.25ff
- what caused worry
then, still exists 2day
- Point - prayer relieves anxiety
- significance - pray w/thanksgiving
- Ph. 4.4-6
- cultivate right thoughts
- Ph. 4.8
- rearrange life & thought so
God's peace can work
- main verb is "think"
- to focus
- mediate
- 7 qualities of right thoughts
- think right thoughts about situation and God
- Rest in God's Peace
- Ph. 4.7
- it is a divine peace
- not based on
whether or not
changed or needs
where met
- it trancends understnading
- peace exels knowledge
- it stands gaurd
- military term
- keeps the junk out!
- take home
- what is consuming you?
- what is strangling you?
- Say "I will trust God no matter what