Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Why is Ghana
an LEDC?
- Historic Reasons
- Each kingdom had their
own language and
culture, so developing
the country as an entity
was difficult.
- The Transatlantic Slave Trade meant that
they sold 5000 slaves to Europe annually.
- This tore families apart and continued for 150 years.
- Couldn't compete with
European goods after 1901.
- The British began exporting gold,
Ghana's biggest export
- Taxes were too high to trade in Europe
- Political Reasons
- Political Timeline:
- 1957: Ghana is one of the first African
countries to gain independence from
colonies, the economic situation is positive.
- 1958: Ghana is becoming a one-party state and won't accept
Valco agreements, something that has hindered it's
economy and electricity supply, today.
- 1964: Now controlled by a dictator and turns to communist countries for assistance.
- 1966: Dictator is over ruled and new elections are held
- 1972: Leader Acheampong lacks experience and
causes corruption growth
- 1979: New party try to restore order. Previous
leaders are executed
- 1984: Rawlings proves popular and
rectifies the economy through strong
connections and IMF funding
- 1985: Western donor countries begins questioning Human Rights in Ghana
- 1998: Electricity needs to be sourced from Cote d'Ivorie as
- 2001: Ghana accepts World Bank debt relief
- Big Debts
- Ghana owes $2.6 million in loans repayments
- The money they began borrowing now has interest, leaving less for development projects
- Environmental Reasons
- Northen land is turning to desert due to
overcultivation then worsened by
- 56% of Ghana's workforce
are farmers
- 3/4 of rainforest has been destroyed for firewood, timber and land
- Soil degrades when it is exposed
and people can't afford fertilisers
- Less crops to sell
- Trading Troubles
- Many Ghanian farmers grow rice but this is now cheaper to source from Asia, putting them out of business
- Ghana relies heavily on Cocoa for income but the world prices for this fluctuates a lot.
- No trading tariffs in place to help Ghanian farmers locally, so they all suffer