Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Mindmap 2- Civil
- Gitlow v. New York
- Decided: 1925
- Significance: The Court, for the first time,
nationalizes the Bill of Rights
after socialist propaganda was
distributed throughout New York.
- Weeks v. United States
- Decided: 1914
- Significance: Establishment of
the exclusionary rule.
- Wolf v. Colorado
- Decided: 1946
- Significance:
development of the
exclusionary rule.
- Mapp v. Ohio
- Decided: 1961
- Significance: Made the
exclusionary rule applicable
to states.
- Gideon v. Wainwright
- Decided: 1963
- Significance: Established
statewide Sixth Amendment
right to counsel.
- Malloy v. Hogan
- Decided: 1964
- Significance: Further
established rights of the
accused pre-Miranda.
- Miranda v. Arizona
- Decided: 1966
- Significance: Established
that law enforcement
officials advise suspects of
their right to remain silent
and to obtain an attorney
during interrogations while
in police custody.
- Engel v.
- Decided: 1962
- Significance: Struck down
New York
nondenominational prayers
in schools as "establishment
of religion".
- Everson v. Bd. of Ed.
- Decided: 1947
- Significance: First in a series
of cases furthering
establishment clause in
schools, etc.
- Lemon v. Kurtzman
- Decided: 1971
- Significance: Established Lemon test
for external expression of religion,
furthered establishment clause.
- City of Boerne v.
- Decided: 1997
- Significance: Struck down RFRA of
1993- reestablished separation of
- Cantwell v.
- Decided: 1940
- Significance: Furthered use of the Free
Exercise Clause
- Schenck v. United
- Decided: 1919
- Significance: Free speech- "clear
and present danger" doctrine
- Miller v. California
- Decided: 1973
- Significance: Established the three-part "Miller
test", or the standard used to judge the obscene.
- Reno v. ACLU
- Decided: 1997
- Significance: Struck down a broad law pertaining to
minors' accessing obscene internet content.
- Tinker v. Des Moines
- Decided: 1964
- Significance: Landmark symbolic speech case. Expression is protected as long it
does not cause a "material disruption or substantial inference".
- Texas v. Johnson
- Decided: 1989
- Significance: Landmark symbolic speech case. The burning of the American flag is
protected by the First Amendment.
- Furman v. Georgia
- Decided: 1972
- Significance: The Court ruled that the death penalty violated the 8th amendment
because of the manner of which it was imposed.
- Gregg v. Georgia
- Decided: 1976
- Significance: The Court held up a state law that eliminated excessive jury
discretion in imposing the death penalty.
- New York Times Co. v. Sullivan
- Decided: 1964
- Significance: The Court defined both "libel" and "slander"
as they pertained to public figures and officials.
- Cruzan v. Director Missouri Dept.
of Health
- Decided: 1990
- Significance: Right to privacy and right
to die- lead to passages of "living will"
statutes in many states.
- Planned
Parenthood v.
- Decided: 1992
- Significance: Stated that states
may restrict abortions, as long
as they do not impose an
"undue hardship or burden on
the mother".
- Webster v. Reproductive Health
- Decided: 1989
- Significance: Another in the string of
abortion issues regarding the equal
protection clause.
- Griswold v.
- Decided: 1965
- Significance: Court
established a "penumbra"
of rights- most remarkably,
birth control under the 4th,
9th and 14th amendments.
- Roe v.
- Decided: 1973
- Significance: Court
establishes an absolute right
to choice with abortions.
- Lawrence v.
- Decided: 2003
- Significance: Court
strikes down Texas law
criminalizing certain gay
- New York Times Co. v. United States
- Decided: 1971
- Significance: Established
"prior restraint" in
regards to government