Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Input, output and storage Devices
- input devices
- keyboard.
- When you press a
key (1), its switch
completes a certain
electrical circuit (2).
A processor (like a
tiny computer)
inside the keyboard
records which
circuits were
completed and in
what order. Then it
sends that
information to your
- chip
- A chip embedded into
your debit or credit
card is at the heart of
Chip & PIN. Chip
technology uses
processing to identify
genuine cards and
makes counterfeiting
more complex and
- mouse
- you drag it round and it shows it on the screen
- Xbox one
- x box one controlar works by playing a game preesing buttons so it shows on the monerter
- microphone
- so speak
- scaner .
- The light passes through the scanner lens
and reaches the CCD sensors.
- camera
- . A camera basically consists of a
lightproof box that lets in a bit of light
at just the right moment. Once the
light enters the camera, it creates an
image by causing a chemical reaction
on photo film.
- bar code reader
- reads things from the shop
- optical pen
- use the laser to guide the mouse
- joystick
- so it can be used for a game
- output
- monerter
- shows images on the computer screen so you can see what's happaning
- speakers
- it gets info from the
disk and sends it to
the speaker so it starts
playing the loud music
- headphones
- plug it it to your device and lisen to it
- laser printer
- it scans the item on the screen making it three D
- web camera
- where if you pressa button it will take a picture
- DvD player
- playing a movie through the monerter like toy story
- projecter
- shows things on the screen at the movies from the projecter
- ploter
- plotters draw line art onto the
surface of the paper to reproduce
vector graphics drawn on a
- printer
- it has a light scaning back and forth making a pattern
- storage devices
- stores data from DVD, music and games
- DvD
- it has a mount of storage so it plays on the DVD player
- Sim card
- gives you your phone number and a bit more storage
- hardDrive
- is a storage device using a USB connection device
- memory card
- stores data for your phone and other technolige