Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Multi-Store Explanation of Memory
- Encoding: changing information so that it can be stored
- Storage: holding information in the memory system
- Sensory Store: holds information received from the senses for a very short period of time
- Short-term Store: holds approximately seven chunks of information for a limited amount of time
- Peterson and Peterson
- To see if rehearsal was necessary to hold information in the short-term store
- Long-term Store: holds a vast amount of information for a very long period of time
- Retrieval: recovering information from storage
- Murdock
- To provide evidence to support the multi-store explanation of memory
- Recency effect: information received later is recalled better than earlier information
- Primacy effect: the first information received is recalled better than subsequent information
- Reconstructive Memory
- Bartlett
- The War of the Ghosts
- To see if people, when given something unfamiliar to remember, would alter the information
- Wynn and Logie
- To see if the recall of unfamiliar stories changed in the same way that Bartlett found with unfamiliar stories
- Levels of Processing
- Structural Processing: thinking about the physical appearance of words to be learnt
- Phonetic Processing: thinking about the wound of words to be learnt
- Semantic Processing: thinking about the meaning of words to be learnt
- Craik and Lockahrt
- To see if the type of question asked about words have an effect on the umber of words recalled
- Interference
- Retroactive Interference: when information we have recently learnt hinders our ability to recall information we have learnt previously
- Proactive interference: when information we have already learnt hinders our ability to recall new information
- Underwood and Postman
- To see if new learning interferes with previous learning