
juan gomez
Mindmap von juan gomez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
juan gomez
Erstellt von juan gomez vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Rip friendly and helpful man, unconcerned about the state of his family
    1. his wife yells at him because of his relaxed
      1. your family uses old clothes because he did not work on their own land if not in the others
        1. He liked being at the inn and go to the Catskill Mountains with his dog and his gun
        2. Rip is lost for 20 years and has only been one night
          1. in these twenty years or a night he meets a holandoses
          2. returns to village and tells his story
            1. when he returns to the village he meets an older gentleman
              1. which talks about politics
            2. Rip finally ends up living in the house of his daughter
              1. his daughter tells him that his wife died recently by getting angry with a peddler
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