5.2 The Infant


Developmental Psychology (Physical Development and Health) Mindmap am 5.2 The Infant, erstellt von Cy290994 am 16/02/2014.
Mindmap von Cy290994, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Cy290994 vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

5.2 The Infant
  1. Rapid Growth
    1. Infants grow rapidly in first few months
      1. Occurs in growth spurts
        1. Soft cartilage harden into bony material
      2. Newborn Capabilities
        1. Reflexes
          1. Survival


            • adaptive value
            1. Primitive


              • not clearly useful
              1. Typically disappear
                1. Higher centers of the cerebral cortex develop to make voluntary motor behaviors possible
              2. Absence is indicative of nervous system problems
              3. Behavioral States
                1. Infants need some time to establish a predictable sleeping pattern
                  1. Spend half their sleeping hours in REM
                    1. Associated with brain maturation and plasticity
              4. Physical Behavior
                1. Locomotor Development
                  1. Developmental Norm


                    • average age of mastery
                    1. Early motor development follows:
                      1. Proximodistal Principle
                        1. Activities involving the trunk are mastered before activities with arms and legs
                          1. Master gross motor skills before fine motor skills
                          2. Cephalocaudal principle
                            1. Lift heads before control trunk to sit
                            2. Orthogenetic Principle
                              1. Differentiated and integrative motor responses more evident in older infants
                            3. Crawling


                              • around 10 months; less babies crawl now than before
                              1. Walking
                                1. Stepping reflex disappears as infants need a more mature nervous system to walk
                                  1. Big heads, short legs
                                  2. Might start to walk and regress to crawling
                                    1. Easier
                                2. Grasping & Reaching
                                  1. Ulnar Grasp


                                    • press palm and outer fingers together
                                    1. Bend elbow
                                      1. Pincer Grasp


                                        • involving only the thumb and (fore)finger
                                  2. Motor Skills as Dynamic Action Systems
                                    1. Infants in 1st year spend a lot of time in rhythmic stereotypies


                                      • infants moving their bodies in repetitive ways 
                                      1. Occurs shortly before a new skill has been learned
                                      2. Dynamic Systems Theory
                                        1. Use sensory feedback to modify their motor behavior in adaptive ways
                                          1. Falling allows infants to discover which surfaces are safe and unsafe
                                          2. Self-organizing behavior
                                            1. Nature and nurture inseperable
                                              1. Different motor skills present different challenges to learn from; not generalizable
                                      3. Health and wellness
                                        1. Babies less than 750 g die within 1st year
                                          1. Leading cause: congenital malformations
                                          2. Immunizations protect infants from diseases
                                            1. Health during infancy starts with prenatal care and prevents potential congenital anomalies and premature birth
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