Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Potential Injuries To
The Muscular System
- Soft Tissue Injuries To Muscles
- Most common injuries to muscles
include tears, pull and strains
- The small muscle fibres may be torn from
their attachment to a tendon
- Fibres shorten when the
muscle contracts and relax
when it is used antagonistically
- During intense competition the muscle fibres
contracts and relax very quickly which can cause
the connective tissue and the blood vessels which
run inside them to be torn
- Warm - Up
- Warming up is crucial to
minimise the potential for injury
- Warm - up begins by raising the
heart rate and warming the muscle
- Followed by some
exercises and stretching
- Cool - Down
- Aim of cooling down is to bring the
heart rate gradually back to normal
and disperse any lactic acid
- Ensures readiness for next
exercise session or game
- Treatment For Muscular Injuries
- RICE used for muscle strains
- First 24 - 48 hours are crucial
- Muscle injuries can prevent a person from training
and this inactivity can result in muscle atrophy