Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Who Says
Change Can
Be Managed?
- Images of Managing
- Controlling
- Planning
- Organising
- Commanding
- Controlling
- (Activities)
- Shaping
- Good management
produces strong
- Participative
- (Capabilities)
- Images of Change Outcomes
- Intended
- Change is realisation of prior
intent through the actions of
- Partially Intended
- Some but not all intentions
are achieved
- Unintended
- Managers have little role in
producing intentional change
- Depends on the view of
managing change
- Directing
- Intended, Controlling
- Intentional changes to
align with environment
- Strategic Models,
N-Step Guides
- Navigating
- Partially Intended, Controlling
- Emergent Outcomes
- External Factors
- Caretaking
- Unintended, Controlling
- Change comes totally
from external factors
- Unable to achieve full
control, although control
is still ideal
- Coaching
- Intended, Shaping
- Managers shape
capabilities in
particular ways
- Typical OD
- Action Research
- Learning/Do Better
- Interpreting
- Partially Intended, Shaping
- Managers create meaning
- Four drivers
- Animation
- Direction
- Paying Attention
- Candid Interaction
- Nurturing
- Unintended, Shaping
- Small changes have large impact
- Managers can't control outcomes
- Managers promote capabilities that
allow positive self-organising