Mind map the Present Simple and present continuous


mind map the present simple and present continuous
Carlos Lepineux
Mindmap von Carlos Lepineux, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Carlos Lepineux
Erstellt von Carlos Lepineux vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Mind map the Present Simple and present continuous
  1. affirmative form
    1. infinitive verb
      1. verb + s or es
      2. I
        1. you (singular)
          1. you (plural)
            1. He
              1. She
                1. It
              2. they
              3. we
          2. interrogative form
            1. Do
              1. Does
              2. I
                1. you (singular)
                  1. you (plural)
                    1. He
                      1. She
                        1. It
                      2. they
                      3. we
                    2. infinitive verb
                    3. negative form
                      1. I
                        1. you (singular)
                          1. we
                            1. you (plural)
                              1. they
                                1. He
                                  1. She
                                    1. It
                        2. Do
                          1. Does
                          2. NOT
                            1. infinitive verb
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