Psychodynamic approch - created from Mind Map_1


Hons Degree DD171 Notiz am Psychodynamic approch - created from Mind Map_1, erstellt von gloriachan am 11/11/2013.
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Seite 1

Freud oral stage anal stage phallic stage id 'it' ego 'I' superego 'above I' defence mechanism repression denial projection Displacement reaction formation sublimation regression

Counsellor unravel the motives which are disguised by defence mechanism counter-transference insights to maintain system therapist's own personality therapist's response to client's relationship shared interpersonal reality

Features development of personality in childhood influence adult life transference (repeated destructive relationship pattern) defence mechanism - protect inner self counter-transference (helper's own feelings) problems = unresolved developmental tasks secure and consistent emotional attachment - crucial for mental health unconscious subjective

Techniques transference analysis free assocation dreams interpretation arts/toys/tests/diaries time-limited approach assessment alternative referral/treatment IDE formula why now identify and interpret transference as soon as it arises

Object Relations (Melanie Klein)

attachment theory (Bolwby) Strange Situation (Mary Ainsworth) Adult Attachment Interview (Mary Main) secure insecure-avoidant insecure-ambivalent insecure-disoriented secure/automous dismissing preoccupied unresolved disorganised

Conversational Model feeling words/metaphors links between feelings and event discovery of true voice

- All problems have origins in childhood experience - unconscious of true nature of motives of behaviour

- feeling at this stage influence personality - emotions generated depending on if the infant's needs are met

unable to express feelings or emotions

- longing for opposite sex parent caused sexual feelings to be repressed in fear of punishment from same sex parent - this sexual experience continues to affect relationship style in adult life

- primitive insticts - irrational - ultimate motives of behaviour


- rules and taboos - internalisation of parents' attitudes and belief

protect ego from pressure caused by conflict with other regions

attributing the feelings to the others rather than themselves

counsellor being a blank slate

- quality of relationship with mother sets pattern in future relationship in adult life - splitting occurs to defend the love and hate feelings against the same object

- internal working model similar to relations model but - emphasis on biological based mechanism - attachment style caused by significant others

I-interpersonal (issues from relationship) D-developmental (issues from psycho-social development) E-existential (aloneness, death) 

- clients talking about their feelings is important - embrace traditional psychodynamic concepts (separation/loss), humanistic theory (growth, awareness), existential (aloneness/togetherness)

Psychodynamic approch


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