The Muscles of Respiration


Medicine Anatomy of Systems Quiz am The Muscles of Respiration, erstellt von Charlotte Jakes am 15/05/2020.
Charlotte Jakes
Quiz von Charlotte Jakes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Charlotte Jakes
Erstellt von Charlotte Jakes vor etwa 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

When the diaphragm contracts in inspiration, what do the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall do?
  • Contract
  • Relax

Frage 2

When the diaphragm relaxes in expiration, what do the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall do?
  • Contract
  • Relax

Frage 3

Why is it more difficult to breathe when lying down?
  • Force is required to move the liver up the lumbar curvature of the spine
  • The weight of the abdominal contents
  • The pressure of the heart on the diaphragm
  • The muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are more difficult to contract when lying down

Frage 4

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the muscles of the chest wall, in particular the intercostal muscles.
  • Clavicle
  • Ribs
  • Pectoralis major (cut)
  • Internal intercostal
  • Sternum
  • External intercostals
  • Serratus anterior
  • External intercostal (closeup)
  • Internal intercostal (closeup)
  • Innermost intercostal (closeup)

Frage 5

The following questions will be on the muscles of the pectoral region. Drag and drop the correct labels to describe the PECTORALIS MAJOR muscle. ORIGIN: medial [blank_start]clavicle[blank_end], [blank_start]sternum[blank_end], [blank_start]costal cartilages[blank_end] 1-6, aponeurosis of [blank_start]external oblique[blank_end] INSERTION: [blank_start]intertubercular sulcus[blank_end] of the humerus ACTION: a[blank_start]dduction[blank_end], [blank_start]medial[blank_end] rotation and flexion of the upper limb, [blank_start]anteroinferior[blank_end] draw of the scapula INNERVATION: lateral [blank_start](C5-C7)[blank_end] and medial [blank_start](C8-T1)[blank_end] pectoral nerves
  • clavicle
  • sternum
  • costal cartilages
  • ribs
  • external oblique
  • transversus abdominis
  • intertubercular sulcus
  • medial
  • lateral
  • dduction
  • bduction
  • anteroinferior
  • (C5-C7)
  • (C8-T1)

Frage 6

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the PECTORALIS MINOR muscle. ORIGIN: ribs [blank_start]3-5[blank_end] INSERTION: [blank_start]coracoid process[blank_end] of scapula ACTION: stabilisation of the scapula by [blank_start]anteroinferior[blank_end] draw INNERVATION: [blank_start]medial pectoral nerve (C5-C7)[blank_end]
  • 3-5
  • 1-3
  • coracoid process
  • anteroinferior
  • anterpsuperior
  • medial pectoral nerve (C5-C7)
  • lateral pectoral nerve (C8-T1)

Frage 7

Drag and drop the correct labels to describe the SERRATUS ANTERIOR muscle. ORIGIN: [blank_start]lateral[blank_end] aspects of ribs [blank_start]1-8[blank_end] INSERTION: costal surface of the [blank_start]medial[blank_end] border of the scapula ACTION: [blank_start]rotation[blank_end] of the scapula and stabilisation of the scapula against the ribcage INNERVATION: [blank_start]long thoracic nerve (C5-C7)[blank_end]
  • 1-8
  • 1-12
  • lateral
  • medial
  • rotation
  • long thoracic nerve (C5-C7)
  • medial pectoral nerve (C5-C7)

Frage 8

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the SUBCLAVIUS muscle. ORIGIN: junction of the [blank_start]1st rib[blank_end] and its costal cartilage INSERTION: inferior surface of the middle third of the [blank_start]clavicle[blank_end] ACTION: anchorage and [blank_start]depression[blank_end] of the clavicle INNERVATION: nerve to subclavius [blank_start](C5 and C6)[blank_end]
  • 1st rib
  • 2nd rib
  • clavicle
  • depression
  • elevation
  • (C5 and C6)
  • (C1 and C2)

Frage 9

Which of the following muscles are recruited for forced inspiration during respiratory distress?
  • Sternocleidomastoid
  • The scalenes
  • Pectoralis major
  • Pectoralis minor
  • Subclavius
  • Serratus anterior

Frage 10

Drag and drop the correct answers to show the accessory muscles of inspiration in the neck.
  • Base of occipital bone
  • Mastoid process
  • Middle scalene
  • 1st cervical vertebra
  • Sternocleidomastoid
  • Anterior scalene
  • Posterior scalene

Frage 11

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID muscle. ORIGIN: [blank_start]manubrium[blank_end] of the sternum and [blank_start]medial third[blank_end] of the clavicle INSERTION: [blank_start]mastoid process[blank_end] of the skull ACTION: unilateral contraction gives [blank_start]ipsilateral[blank_end] flexion and [blank_start]rotation[blank_end] of the neck, [blank_start]bilateral[blank_end] contraction gives [blank_start]extension[blank_end] of the head/neck, [blank_start]elevation[blank_end] of the clavicle and sternum INNERVATION: accessory nerve [blank_start](CNXI)[blank_end] and branches of [blank_start]cervical plexus[blank_end] (C2-C3)
  • manubrium
  • body
  • medial third
  • mastoid process
  • ipsilateral
  • rotation
  • bilateral
  • extension
  • elevation
  • (CNXI)
  • (CNX)
  • cervical plexus
  • brachial plexus

Frage 12

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the ANTERIOR SCALENE muscle. ORIGIN: [blank_start]anterior[blank_end] tubercles of [blank_start]transverse processes[blank_end] of [blank_start]C3-C6[blank_end] INSERTION: scalene tubercle of the [blank_start]1st rib[blank_end] ACTION: [blank_start]elevation[blank_end] of the first rib, unilateral contraction gives [blank_start]ipsilateral lateral flexion[blank_end] of the neck, bilateral contraction gives [blank_start]anterior flexion[blank_end] of the neck INNERVATION: [blank_start]C5-C6[blank_end]
  • anterior
  • transverse processes
  • bodies
  • C3-C6
  • C1-C5
  • 1st rib
  • 2nd rib
  • elevation
  • ipsilateral lateral flexion
  • anterior flexion
  • C5-C6

Frage 13

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the MIDDLE SCALENE muscle. ORIGIN: [blank_start]posterior[blank_end] tubercles of the [blank_start]transverse processes[blank_end] of [blank_start]C2-C7[blank_end] INSERTION: scalene tubercle of [blank_start]first rib[blank_end] ACTION: [blank_start]elevation[blank_end] of the first rib, [blank_start]unilateral[blank_end] contraction gives [blank_start]ipsilateral[blank_end] lateral flexion of neck INNERVATION: anterior rami of [blank_start]C3-C8[blank_end]
  • posterior
  • anterior
  • transverse processes
  • spinous processes
  • C2-C7
  • C3-C6
  • first rib
  • second rib
  • elevation
  • unilateral
  • ipsilateral
  • contralateral
  • bilateral
  • C3-C8

Frage 14

Drag and drop the correct answers to describe the POSTERIOR SCALENE muscle. ORIGIN: [blank_start]posterior[blank_end] tubercles of [blank_start]transverse processe[blank_end]s of [blank_start]C5-C7[blank_end] INSERTION: [blank_start]second rib[blank_end] ACTION: elevation of the [blank_start]second[blank_end] rib, [blank_start]ipsilateral[blank_end] lateral flexion of the neck INNERVATION: [blank_start]C6-C8[blank_end]
  • posterior
  • anterior
  • transverse processe
  • C5-C7
  • second rib
  • first rib
  • second
  • first
  • ipsilateral
  • contralateral
  • C6-C8

Frage 15

What name is given to the condition whereby at least 3 ribs are fractures in 2 places, causing that region of the chest wall to free itself and move independently?
  • Flail chest
  • Winged scapula
  • Pneumothorax
  • Pleural effusion

Frage 16

During inspiration, the flail segment of a chest wall will...
  • Move inwards
  • Move outwards

Frage 17

During expiration, the flail segment of a flail chest will...
  • Move inwards
  • Move outwards

Frage 18

Why does flail chest cause respiratory distress?
  • Increases the work of breathing
  • Causes the lung to collapse
  • Occludes the pulmonary capillaries
  • Paralyses the diaphragm

Frage 19

When we fix the upper arm against a solid surface, which muscle to we recruit to elevate the chest?
  • Pectoralis major
  • Serratus anterior
  • Sternocleidomastoid
  • Subclavius

Frage 20

Which of the following muscles are the principle muscles of inspiration?
  • External intercostals
  • Interchondral part of internal intercostals
  • Diaphragm
  • Sternocleidomastoid
  • The scalenes
  • Pectoralis minor

Frage 21

Which of the following muscles are the accessory muscles of inspiration?
  • Sternocleidomastoid
  • The scalenes
  • Pectoralis minor
  • Diaphragm
  • External intercostals
  • Interchondral part of internal intercostals

Frage 22

During quiet breathing, how do we achieve expiration?
  • Elastic recoil of lungs, ribcage and diaphragm
  • Contraction of the innermost intercostal muscles
  • Contraction of the external intercostal muscles
  • Contraction of the adominal muscles

Frage 23

Which of the following muscles do we use in expiration during active breathing?
  • Internal intercostals except the interchondral part
  • Abdominal muscles
  • Quadratus lumborum
  • External intercostals
  • Diaphragm
  • Sternocleidomastoid
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