Frage 1
The cranial vault develops via intramembranous ossification. The mandible and maxilla develop via endochondrial ossification.
Both true
First true, second false
First false, second true
Both false.
Frage 2
The flat bones in our bodies develop via endochondrial ossification. The long bones of our bodies develop via intramembranous ossification.
Both true
First true, second false
First false, second true
Both false
Frage 3
The resorption reversal line is where resorption takes place. Idiopathic condylar resportion causes a large overbite, open bite, and a smaller looking mandible.
Both true
First true, second false
First false, second true
Both false
Frage 4
Secondary displacement is the movement of a bone and its soft tissues not related to its own enlargement. Growth of the middle cranial fossa and the temporal lobe directs the nasomaxillary complex downward and forward.
Both true
First true, second false
First false, second true
Both false
Frage 5
Which of the following is incorrect about mandibular development?
Resorption occurs at the anterior of the ramus and gonial angle
Deposition occurs at the condylar surface and coronoid process
Deposition makes the mandible grow upward and backwards
Horizontal expansion occurs via deposition on the external side
All of the above are correct
Frage 6
Which of the following is correct about remodeling of the maxilla?
Resorption on the periosteal surface of the palatal surface
The anterior surfaces of the maxilla have deposition
Deposition in the nasal base
Resorption of the endochondral or endosteal section of the cortical plate
none of the above
Frage 7
Drifting, relocation, and V principle occur simultaneously. The mandible moves downward and forward because of anterior apposition?
Both true
First true, second false
First false, second true
Both false
Frage 8
Which of the following is incorrect?
Longitudinal studies allow for accurate prediction of adult height due to ability to see individual variations in the growth curve
Cross-sectional studies can be used to estimate mean rate of growth
Mixed longitudinal studies involve the short time of a cross sectional study and large sample size with subjects in different age groups to achieve data covering a greater span of ages
Cross sectional studies contain variability which may conceal details of growth
Longitudinal studies allow estimation of the mean rate of growth for a population
Frage 9
The distance curve is height plotted against time and the velocity curve is the rate of growth. Menarche occurs after the peak of the velocity curve.
Both true
First true, second false
First false, second true
Both false
Frage 10
The cranial base solidifies at 6-7 years of age. By adulthood, the head is roughly 1/8th of the total height and legs make up roughly half.
Both statements are true
First true, second false
First false, second true
Both false
Frage 11
At infancy the head is roughly a third of the body's total length. Similarly, the face makes up about half of the head.
Both true
First true, second false
First false, second true
Both false
Frage 12
According to Scammon's curve, the lymphoid tissues reach roughly double the adult size near 10 years of age. The genitals reach their full size during the onset of puberty.
Both true
First true, second false
First false, second true
Both false
Frage 13
Which of the following is NOT a consequence of mouth breathing?
Frage 14
There is more variation in height than weight measurement. Peak velocity for weight spurt leads the peak velocity for height by an average of 3 months.
Both true
First true, second false
First false, second true
Both false
Frage 15
Menarche in females occurs after the peak velocity of growth. Males tend to have their peak growth velocity before females.
Both true
First true, second false
First false, second true
Both false
Frage 16
Chronological age is a good indicator of individual growth status. Growth is complete when the sesamoid bone is present.
Both true
First true, second false
First false, second true
Both false
Frage 17
Which of the following is incorrect?
In sutural growth theory, the sutures are the primary growth sites.
Primary cartilage theory states that periosteum and cartilage are primary growth sites
The condyle of the mandible considered the pacemaker of growth for mandibular development in primary cartilage theory
The nasal septum is not a growth center
Growth of the skull follows growth of the brain
Frage 18
The functional matrix is soft tissue to include the cartilage and ligaments. The skeletal units includes the bone.
Both true
First true, second false
First false, second true
Both false
Frage 19
A growth site is where growth is initiated. A growth center is a reactive place where growth occurs.
Both true
First true, second false
First false, second true
Both false
Frage 20
Teeth are part of the skeletal unit. Muscles are part of the functional matrix.
Both true
First true, second false
First false, second true
Both false