Chem Ch. 11


Karteikarten am Chem Ch. 11, erstellt von newsha am 07/09/2014.
Karteikarten von newsha, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von newsha vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
what is the strongest type of molecular force present in NH2CH3 hydrogen bonding
which exhibits dipole-dipole as its strongest molecular force a. H2 b. SO2 c. NH3 d. CF4 e. BCl3 c. NH3
which has the smallest dipole-dipole force a. CH3Cl b. Hbr c. O2 D. NO O2
which of the following only exhibits dispersion and dipole-dipole intermolecular forces? a. H2 b. HI c. CO2 d. CH3NH2 b. HI
choose the substances with the lowest surface tension a. CH3SH b. CH3CH2CH2CH3 c. C6H6 d. H2O e. (CH3)2CO CH3CH2CH2CH#
choose substance with the lowest viscosity A. Cl3CCCl3 b. Cl2CHCH2Cl c. Cl2CHCHCl2 D. ClCH2CH2Cl E. Cl3CCHCl2 D. ClCH2CH2Cl
substance with highest vapor pressure A. SiS2 B. RbCl C. CH3SCH3 D. BF3 E. SbH3 D. BF3
lowest vapor pressure A. CO2 B. BeCl2 C. BF3 D. He E. PF5 ionic bonding BeCl2
which would have the highest heat of vaporization a. Xe B. C6H6 C. SiF4 D. Br2 E. N2 Br2 all have DISPERSION so go by molar mass
Place the following substances in order of decreasing vapor pressure at a given temperature. BeF2 CH3OH OF2 BeF2 is ionic CH3OH is h-bond OF2 is neither OF2>CH3OH>BeF2
Which of the following compounds has the highest boiling point? A) H2O B) H Cl C) H2S D) N H3 A) H20
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