key terms organ. chap. 12


Psychology Karteikarten am key terms organ. chap. 12, erstellt von Iris Freiberger am 29/03/2019.
Iris Freiberger
Karteikarten von Iris Freiberger, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Iris Freiberger
Erstellt von Iris Freiberger vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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leadership exercise of influence by one member of the group or organisation over other members to help achieve goals
leader individual who is able to influence group or organisational members
formal leader member who is given authority by organisation to influence other members
informal leader able to exercise influence because of special skills or talents
consideration behaviour indicating trust, respect, value of good relationship
initiating structure behaviours that leaders engage in to make sure that work gets done and jobs are performed acceptably
leader reward behaviour leader´s positive reinforcement of subs´ desirable behaviour
leader punishing behaviour leader´s negative response to subs´ undesired behaviour
contingency theory of leadership leader effectiveness is determined by both personal characteristics of leaders and by situations in which they find themselves
least preffered co-employee scale questionnaire that measure leaders´ responses to questions about the co-employee with whom they have the most difficult working
leader-member relation relationship between a leader and followers
task structure extent to which the work to be performed by a group is clearly defined
position power amount of formal authority a leader has
path-goal theory how leaders can motivate their followers to achieve goals and the kind of behaviours they can engage in to motivate followers
vroom and yetton model different ways in which leaders can make decisions and guides leaders in determining the extent to which subs should participate in decision making
leader-member exchange theory different kind of relationships that may develop leader and follower and what both give and receive
leadership substitute something that acts in place of a formal leader and makes leadership unnecessary
leadership neutraliser something that prevents a leader from having any influence and negates a leader´s efforts
transformational leadership leadership that inspires followers to trust the leader, perform behaviours that contribute to achievement of goals, and perform at high levels
charismatic leaders self-confident, enthusiastic leader able to win follower´s respect and support for vision and how good things could be
developmental consideration behaviour that is supportive and encouraging toward followers and gives them opportunities to develop and grow on the job, such as by acquiring new skills and capabilities
transactional leadership leadership that motivates followers by exchanging rewards for high performance and noticing and reprimanding mistakes
trust willingness of one person or group to have faith or confidence in the goodwill of another person, even though this puts them at risk
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