The Prehistoric Aegean


Art History 260
Luke Scheller
Karteikarten von Luke Scheller, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Luke Scheller
Erstellt von Luke Scheller vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Who wrote the Iliad & Odyssey? Homer
Which topics are included within the Iliad & Odyssey? 1. Greeks Vs Trojans 2. Odysseus's journey home
Where is King Minos's Palace located? Knossos on Crete
Where is King Agamemnon's Palace located? Mycenae on Mainland Greece
Where was the Painted Minoan Sarcophagus found? Hagia Triada - Southern Coast of Greece
Who did the Painted Minoan Sarcophagus belong to? King Minos
How are the Painted Minoan Sarcophagus and Minoan Palaces similar? 1. Artistic technique 2. Color scheme 3. Figure style 4. Frescos
On the Painted Minoan Sarcophagus, what is depicted on the undivided side? 4 women and 1 man (with double flute) gathered around a table with tied up Ox on table
On the Painted Minoan Sarcophagus, on the LEFT side of the divided image, what is depicted? 1 woman pours Ox blood into vessel. The vessel sits between 2 double axes. Another woman carries 2 more jars. The man is playing the flute
What is a common gender color convention within ancient art? Women painted lighter, Men painted darker
On the Painted Minoan Sarcophagus, on the RIGHT side of the divided image, what is depicted? (story & history) 2 men carry sacrificial animals, 1 man carries a boat. The dead man is standing in front of his grave. In Medieval Art, others are depicted as raised from the dead such as the biblical Lazarus.
Which 3 characteristics are featured within Minoan burial rites? 1. Sacrificial Animals 2. Music 3. Gifts by the tomb
What is the meaning of the Painted Minoan Sarcophagus & the Minoan language Both remain unknown
First great Greek literature The Iliad
What was Homer's Iliad considered before & after 1870 before: fiction after: fact
What did Heinrich Schliemann discover? many cites mentioned by Homer
Where did Schliemann begin his work? Hissarlik, Turkey
How were the cities structured that Schliemann found? Stacked on top of one another. One city was burned
Who lived in Mycenae? Agamemnon & his brother Menelaus
What is this called and who is this gate associated with? "Lion Gate" Agamemnon & Menelaus Mycenae, Greece
What is this called and who is this grave associated with? "Grave Circle A" Agamemnon & Menelaus Mycenae, Greece (Mycenaean)
What is this called and who is this treasury associated with? "(outside) Treasury of Atreus" Agamemnon & Menelaus Mycenae, Greece (Mycenaean)
What is this called and who is this treasury associated with? "(inside) Treasury of Atreus" Agamemnon & Menelaus Mycenae, Greece (Mycenaean)
What is this called and who is this treasury associated with? "Gold funerary Mask" Grave Circle A, Mycenae, Greece (Mycenaean)
What is this called and who is this treasury associated with? "Lion Hunt Blade" Grave Circle A, Mycenae, Greece (Mycenaean)
Who found this palace? Arthur Evans, GB (Minoan)
Where is this palace located? Knossos palace of king Minos on Crete Island, Greece (Minoan)
Which monster is associated with Minotaur. Eats children (Minoan)
Who are the Minoans named after? King Minos, Knossos palace on Crete island, Greece
Where were more Minoans found? Phaistos, Hagia Triada, Gournia
Who was the first woman to lead an excavation? Harriet Boyd Hawes
Which documents helped decipher the early Aegean? Linear A & B Mostly B (early form of Greek)
How long have people been living in Greece? Since Paleolithic, villages existed during Neolithic Crete
How many geographic areas are included in the prehistoric Aegean? 3. - Cycladic (early) (Cycladic islands) - Minoan (middle) (Crete) - Helladic (late) (Mainland Greece) (aka Mycenaean)
What is this Cycladic figure of a woman made out of? marble. Only 10% are authentic (Cycladic)
which geographic area is this figure of a woman from? Syros, Cycladic Islands (early) (Cycladic)
Which islands are associated with Cycladic art (early)? Syros, Delos, Paros, Melos, Akrotiri, Thera, Keros, Naxos
Which of the Cycladic Islands (early) had lots of marble? Naxos
How tall is this figurine of a woman? 1.5ft tall 0.5 inches thick (Cycladic)
What are some Cycladic (early) figurines painted with? Painted eyes & mouth. Some had Red & Blue jewelry. Dots painted on neck & cheek (Cycladic)
Where was this Cycladic (early) male harp player found? Keros, Cycladic Islands (early). Thought to be placed in grave to entertain the diseased. (Cycladic)
What animal is featured on the harp? Either Duck-Bill or Swan-Head (Cycladic)
Hallmark of Middle Minoan Period? Palaces
During the Middle Minoan Period, what ended the old palace period? Fire & Earthquakes
What is the Late Minoan or New Palace Period considered? The Golden Age of Crete
Which first rose during the Late Minoan / New Palace Period? Great Western Civilization
When not used for living, what were Great Palaces of Middle Minoan used for? (7) 1. Administrative 2. Commercial 3. Religious Center 4. Courtyards/ Pageants 5. Ceremonies 6. Games 7. Offices with Storage
Where are the principle palaces of Middle Minoan Crete? (5) 1. Knossos 2. Phaistos 3. Malia 4. Kata Zakuro 5. Khania
Middle Minoan Palace of Knossos. What is 1? Theatre
Middle Minoan Palace of Knossos. What is 2? Magazines
Middle Minoan Palace of Knossos. What is 3? North-South Corridor
Middle Minoan Palace of Knossos. What is 4? Throne Room
Middle Minoan Palace of Knossos. What is 5? Central Court
Middle Minoan Palace of Knossos. What is 6? East-West Corridor
Middle Minoan Palace of Knossos. What is 7? Grand Stare way
Middle Minoan Palace of Knossos. What did the floor plan inspire? Cretan Labyrinth with Minotaur that ate children. Killed by King Theseus.
Who lived in this largest cretan palace? King Minos
Who helped King Theseus escape this Labyrinth? King Minos's daughter Ariadne. Gave him thread spindle.
What do the "Labrys" or "double-ax" doors signify? Reoccurring motif throughout Minoan Palace as well as in Minoan art. Signifies sacrificial slaughter. "House of the double ax"
Where was this built and what surrounded it? Against the slope of a low hill. It's surrounded by Villas of the Minoan Elite.
What's the central feature of this palace? Great Rectangular Court. Rooms were built around this structure.
What's special about the Knossos Palace Columns in the residential area? They're wider at the top and taper inwards. Opposite of Egypt & Greeks
What will these Minoan columns later resemble? Those of later Greek Doric order
West of the great court (6) is which corridor? What does it divide? North/South Corridor. Separates Official & Ceremonial rooms from Magazines
What was stored inside magazines? Wine, Grain, Oil, Honey. All in large jars
East of the courtyard (6) is which corridor? What does it separate? East/West Corridor. Separates Administrative & Workrooms
What did the steps of the North/West Theatre inspire? Greek Theatre (maybe)
Which palace has a theatre similar to that of the Knossos Palace? The Phaistos Palace
Which technological features does the Knossos Palace have? Interior light, air wells, rain drainage (Terracotta, clay pipes under building)
The Knossos Palace is built on a hill. What was built on steep slopes? more floors; stories
What kind of art was common in the Knossos Palace? Mural Paintings
Where was she found? Knossos Palace, Crete
what is her name? La Parisienne.
Why was she given her name and what is she depicting? Elegant Dress, Fancy Haircut, Rouge Lips. She's depicted in a ceremonial scene.
what's special about her eye? head in profile, frontal eye like in Mesopotamian and Egyptian art.
Is she a mortal or a god? Most likely goddess, no arm.
What is Buon Fresco and who were the first to use it? Apply paint onto wet plaster. Color and plaster fuse together. Had to work faster. Minoans first to use it.
Which style is Buon Fresco opposite to? Egyptian, they worked much slower
where is this mural located? Knossos Palace, Crete
How much of this piece is original? Only the dark patches, rest was restored
What does this scene depict and what's left out? Bull-leaping ceremony. Men grabbed the horns and vaulted themselves onto the bull's back. No setting present.
What's typically Minoan about this piece? pinched hips of the figures
Which figures are the Minoan figures similar to? None. No earlier art resembles the Minoans figure representation.
Which historical gender coloring convention is present in this piece? Men painted darker. Women painted lighter.
Whats the main difference between Minoan figures & Egyptian figures? Minoan figures much curvier. Egyptian figures very stiff.
What does Akrotiri belong to? Cyclades Islands
What's the difference between Akrotirian Frescos & Cretan Frescos? Akrotirian much better preserved
How was Thera significant to the Minoans during the late Cycladic? They may have been in their political and artistic orbit
Why are Theran Frescos so well preserved? Volcanic eruption.
Where are Theran frescos mostly located? Houses & Shrines NOT Palaces...
What is this Akrotirian fresco called? "Spring Fresco"
Why is this fresco significant? Oldest and best preserved landscape painting of prehistoric
Where is this located? Akrotiri on Thera (Cyclades)
Which room is this in? South and West walls of room Delta 2
What are common topics within Akrotiri murals? Landscape (natural setting, rhythm of nature, no people) Seascape
What are Akrotiri murals the opposite of? Paleolithic European. They focused on people and animals, not landscape or seascape
Where was this mural found? Akrotiri on Thera (Cyclades)
Which room was this found in? Room 3 of building Xeste 3
What was the Xeste 3 room? Puberty initiation for girls
first (unillustrated) scene? girl with bleeding foot sits on rock, woman with necklace behind her
second (illustrated) scene? elegant girls gather crocuses. one girl's head is shaved with lock on back because she's young. crocuses used for color and for cramps
third (unillustrated) scene? girls carry flower baskets towards woman sitting on rock. woman sitting on rock is flanked by blue monkey & griffin. (If goddess unknown)
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