Change Management


Board Exam LeadingManageChange (ChangeMangement) Karteikarten am Change Management, erstellt von Michael Riben am 09/10/2013.
Michael Riben
Karteikarten von Michael Riben, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Michael Riben
Erstellt von Michael Riben vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
what is Diffusion of Innovations? diffusion is process by which an innovation is communicted through certain channels over time
what is cycle of diffusion of innovation innovators--> early adopters_-> early majority--> late majority--> laggards
What is Bridges Transition theory? managing situational change is not as difficult as tending to psychological transitions of people affected by the change
What is the Bridges Transition theory phases Phase 1-ending,loss, let go Phase 2 - neural,chaos,confusion Phase 3- new beginning, embrace
What is Lewin Change theory Unfreeze-Change--Freeze
what is the precede-proceed model? planning model -> from NCI Precede-predisposing, reinforcine, enabling Proceed- policy, regulation or resourcing
what is social influence theory? behavior is intentionally or unintentionally influenced by others and affects acceptance of change/ability/willingness to participate
what are types of social influence? compliance, identification, internalization, conformity, self-fulfilling, reactance, obedience, persuasion
What is Complex-Adaptive System? Complex adaptive systems are fluidly changing collections of distributing components that react to both their environment and each other
what is the Kubler-Ross Grief cycle? Denial--> Anger--> BArgaining--> depression--> Acceptance
what are Kotter's 8 steps to change sense of urgency,powerful coalition, vision, commuication, empowerment to act, plan and create short term wins, consolidate improvement with more change and institutionalize change
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