Chapter 5 & 6 Vocabulary Terms


The following cards will aid you in memorizing vocabulary found in chapters 5 & 6.
Miss Huseby
Karteikarten von Miss Huseby, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Miss Huseby
Erstellt von Miss Huseby vor etwa 8 Jahre

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The act of worship, the humble acknowledgment by human beings that we are creatures made by God adoration
A pious act whereby we express in prayer our desire to receive the Eucharist when we are unable to because of unavailability or a lack of the state of grace spiritual communion
A "thank offering" Todah
More formal name for the “Breaking of the Bread”, the Catholic liturgy, emphasizing its unity with the one Sacrifice of Christ Holy Sacrament of the Mass
A prayer invoking God’s power and care upon some person, place, thing, or undertaking. Acknowledges God as the source of all blessing benediction
Offering that can bring mercy or atonement propitiatory
The primary and indispensable source from which the faithful are to derive the true Christian spirit mass
A small and conscious sacrifice we make as a form of penance that has the effect of strengthening and healing us mortification
Our deep relationship with Christ and the Church communio
From the Latin for “oneness together”: the reception of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist; and fellowship, the bond of union with Christ and the baptized faithful in the Church communion
Vessel used to hold the consecrated hosts of the Eucharist during Mass or for reservation in the tabernacle ciborium
A solemn carrying of the Eucharist in a monstrance, usually accompanied by song, incense, and many of the faithful, to show reverence for the Real Presence of Christ eucharistic procession
The practice in some churches and chapels of exposing the Eucharist for worship 24 hours a day on the condition that someone is always present perpetual adoration
The moment the bread and the wine used in the Sacrament of the Eucharist becoming, not merely as a sign, but the actual body and blood of Christ transubstantiation
The true, real, and substantial presence of Christ under the appearance of the consecrated bread and wine of the Eucharist real presence
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament when the sacred host is exposed in a monstrance exposition of the blessed sacrament
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