Evolution and Impact of the English Language Public

Evolution and Impact of the English Language

C. Silva
Course by C. Silva, updated more than 1 year ago Contributors


Nesta minicurso, vamos analisar a evolução da língua inglesa, explorando desde as suas origens até à atualidade. Vamos constatar de que forma o fenómeno da globalização contribuiu para a internacionalização da língua, analisando as áreas em que se verificou maior impacto. Teremos ainda a oportunidade de comprovar as potencialidades do inglês ao verificar as vantagens que advêm da sua aprendizagem.

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Apresentação dos objetivos do curso
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No final do curso,  o formando deverá ser capaz de: - Distinguir os Períodos da Língua Inglesa; - Relacionar a globalização com a potencialização da língua inglesa; - Indicar três vantagens da aprendizagem do Inglês;
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Teste para aferição de conhecimentos em Inglês Avançado


Este teste serve para aferir os conhecimentos base em Inglês Avançado.
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Find out how the English language evolved throughout the years


Exploring the three different periods in which the evolution of English was based
  As we were able to see in the previous video, the English language went through several transformations and suffered and evolution as it passed through different generations of speaker who gave their contribution for influencing the creation and transformation of the words, the pronunciation and grammar of the language. This evolution was based on three different periods.   Old English - 450-1100 D.C.  : It occurred with the invasion of the Germanic tribes in Britain, bringing linguistic influences.   Middle English – 1100-1500:. It took place with the Norman invasion which influence of the French language was incorporated in the English language.   Modern English  Early Modern English -1500-1800: Since the 16th century, the British were in contact with different people around the world and collected several linguistic influences from all of them.    Late Modern English – 1800- nowadays: This period was characterized by the extensive introduction of new vocabulary, a fact determined by the following circumstances:   a) The Industrial Revolution, with the increasing use of technology, required the introduction of more words.   b) The British Empire dominated a wide part of the world and, influenced by the colonized countries, they ended up adopting several words, introducing them in the English vocabulary.   For more information about the origin of the English language, please check the following link:   http://www.infoescola.com/ingles/origens-da-lingua-inglesa/    
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Summing up the main periods of evolution of the English language
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The iimpact of the globalization in the English language


Exploring the areas in which the fluency of the English language is crucial


Teste para aferir aquisição de conhecimentos e compreensão dos conteúdos


Tarefa a executar pelo formando
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1) Please indicate how the English language can have a leading role in the business world.     2) Comment on the following statement: “A feature of English that makes it different compared with all other languages is its global spread.”, David Crystal.
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