PHSI3012 Exam Prep - Topic 3 Public

PHSI3012 Exam Prep - Topic 3

Michael Jardine
Course by Michael Jardine, updated more than 1 year ago Contributors


Topic 3 - Metabolic Disorders T3L1 - W10-1 (Hoy) Disorders of Lipid Metabolism #1 T3L2 - W10-2 (Hoy) Disorders of Lipid Metabolism #2 T3L3 - W11-1 (Cooney) Pathogenesis of Obesity T3L4 - W11-2 (Hoy) Insulin Resistance T3L5 - W12-1 (Cooney) Diabetes and its Complications T3L6 - W12-2 (Mason) Osteoporosis T3L7 - W13-1 (Mason) Sarcopenia

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