UE Joints important things to know


Based on PTA exam book
Justin  Lao
Flashcards by Justin Lao, updated more than 1 year ago
Justin  Lao
Created by Justin Lao over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How many degrees of freedom does the glenohumeral joint have ? 3
What are all the possible osetokinematic motions for the gelnohumeral joint? Flexion Extension ABD ADD Medial rotation External rotation Horizontal ABD/ADD
What is the close pact position for the gelnohumral joint? ABD Lateral rotation
What is the open pact position for the gelnohumeral joint? 55 degrees ABD 30 degrees horizontal ADD
What is a capsular pattern? Refers to the limitation of a joint due to inflammation, OA, etc. Every joint has predictive limitations.
What is the capsular pattern of the gelnohumeral joint? Lateral rotation ABD Medial rotation
How many degrees of freedon does the sternocalvicular joint have? 3
What are all the possible osetokinematic motions for the sternocalvicular joint? Elevation Depression Upwards rotation Downwards rotation Protraction Retraction
What is the loose pack position for the sternocalvicular joint? Arm resting by side
what is the close pack position for the sternocalvicular joint? Maximum shoulder elevation
How many degrees of freedom does the acromiocalvicular have? 3
What are all the possible osetokinematic motions for the amcromiocalvicular joint? Anterior tilt Posterior tilt Upward rotation Downward rotation Protraction Retraction
What is the loose pack position for the acromiocalvicular joint? Arm resting by side
What is the close pack position for the acromiocalvicular joint? Arm ABD at 90 degrees
What are all the possible osetokinematic motions for the radiohumeral joint? Flexion Extension Pronation Supination
What is the loose pack position for the radiohumeral joint? Full extension and supination
What is the close pack position for the radiohumeral jonit? 90 degrees of flexion 5 degrees of supination
What is the capsular pattern for the radiohumeral joint? Supinaion Pronation extension Flexion
What are all the possible osetokinematic motions for the ulnohumeral joint? Flexion Extension
What is the loose pack position for the ulnohumeral joint? 70 degrees elbow flexion 10 degrees of supination
What is the close pack position for the ulnohumeral joint? extension
What is the capsular pattern for the ulnohumeral joint? flexion extension
What are all the possible osetokinematic motions for the radioulnar joint? Pronation Supination
What is the loose pack position for the radioulnar joint? 70 degrees of elbow flexion 35 degrees of supination
What is the close pack position for the radioulnar joint? 5 degrees of supination
What are the capsular pattern for the radioulnar joint? supination Pronation
Where is the lateral collateral ligament of the eblow? and the other term for it? Radial collateral ligament Lateral epicondyle of the humerus to the olecranon process.
What is the medial collateral ligament of the elbow? and the other term for it? Ulna collateral ligament Medial epicondyle of the humerus to the proximal portion of the ulna
What is the function of the lateral collateral ligament of the elbow? Prevents ADD of the elbow
What is the function of the medial collateral ligament of the elbow? Prevent ABD of the elbow
What is most common mechanism of elbow injury? Over stretch of ligaments in the elbow due to overuse. This is common in athletes. Over time small tears occur in the ligament till it finally ruptures.
Where is the annular ligament and it's purpose? It covers the radial head and it allows the radial to rotate while keeping in contact with the ulnar notch.
What are all the possible osetokinematic motions for the radiocarpal joint? flexion extension radial deviation unlar deviation
What is the loose pack position of the radiocarpal joint? neuteral with slight unlar deviation
What is the close pack position for the radiocarpal joint? extension with redial deviation
What is the capsular pattern for the radiocarpal joint? flexion extension
What is the purpose of the dorsal radiocarpal ligament? Prevents excessive wrist flexion
What is the purpose of the palmar radiocarpal ligament? Prevent hyperextension of the wrist
What is the purpose of the radial collateral ligament of the wrist? Prevents excessive ulnar deviation
Where is the interosseous membrane and it's purpose? Between the shaft of the radius and ulnar which stabilizes against forces to the wrist.
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