LE joints important things to know


Based on PTA exam book
Justin  Lao
Flashcards by Justin Lao, updated more than 1 year ago
Justin  Lao
Created by Justin Lao almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How many degrees of freedom does the iliofemoral joint have ? 3
What are the osteokinematic motion of the iliofemoral joint? Flexion Extension ABD ADD Lateral rotation Medial rotation
What is the loose pack position for the iliofemoral joint? 30 degrees of flexion 30 degrees of ABD Slight lateral rotation
WHat is the close pack position for the iliofemoral joint? Full extension Medial rotation
What is the capsular pattern for the iliofemoral? Flexion ABD Medial rotation (can be most limited)
Where is the iliofemoral ligament and it's function? From anterior inferior iliac to intertrochanteric line of femur. Strongest ligament in the body. It prevent excessive hip extension and assist with posture.
Where is the pubofemoral ligament and it's function? From the pubis to the neck of the femur. It prevents excessive ABD of the femur.
Where is the ischiofemoral ligament and it's function? From the ishical wall to the neck of the femur. Weakest of the three iliofemoral joint ligaments. Reinforces the capsule.
How many degrees of freedom does the tibiofemoral have? 2
What are the osteokinematic motion of the tibiofemoral joint? Flexion Extension Medial/lateral rotation (slightly during testing motions)
What is the loose pack position for the tibiofemoral joint? 25 degrees of flexion
What is the close pack positoon of the tibiofemoral joint? Full extension lateral rotation of the tibia
What is the capsular pattern for the tibiofemoral joint? flexion extension
Where is the ACL and it's function? Anterior cruciate ligament Anterior intercondyle lining of tibia to posterior medial aspect of femur. Prevents anterior displacement of tibia on femur.
What is the mechanism of injury for an ACL tear Noncontact twisting motion of tibia on femur. Associated with hyperextension and valgus/varus stress to the knee. Tibia is forced severely anteriorly from femur.
Where is the PCL and it's function? Posterior cruciate ligament Posterior intercondyle lining of the tibia to medial/anterior/lateral aspect of the femur. Prevents posterior displacement of the tibia on the femur.
What is the mechanism of injury for the PCL? When the tibia and femur are in contact during knee flexion. Tibia is forced posteriorly on the femur or the femur is forced anteriorly on the tibia. Common in car accidents when leg is struck on gas paddle.
Where is the MCL and it's purpose? Medial collateral ligament Medial femoral epicondyle to the shaft of the tibia. Prevents valgus displacement of the tibia on the femur.
What is the mechanism of injury for the MCL? Valgus stress load on the knee without rotation. Common to also tear the ACL and medial meniscus as well.
Where is the LCL and it's purpose? Lateral collateral ligament Lateral femoral epicondyle to the head of the fibula. Prevents varus displacement of the tibia on the femur.
What is the mechanism of injury for the LCL? Varus stress on the knee with out rotation. Common to tear ACL or PCL as well.
How many degrees of freedom does the talocrural joint have? 1
What are the osteokinematic motion of the talocrural joint? Dorsifelxion Plantar flexion
What is the loose pack position of the talocrural joint? 10 degrees of plantar flexion Midway between inversion/eversion
What is the close pack position of the talocrural joint? Max dorsiflexion
What is the capsular pattern for the talocrural joint? Plantar flexion Dorsiflexion
What makes up the subtalar joint? The talus and calcaneus
How many degrees of freedom does the subtalar joint have? 1
What are the osteokinematic motion of the subtalar joint? Inversion Eversion
What is the loose pack position of the subtalar? Midway between extremes of ROM
What is the close pack position of the subtalar joint? Supination
What is the capsular pattern for the subtalar joint? Limited varus ROM
What makes up the midtarsal joint? Talus Calcaneuos Navicular Cuboid
What are the osteokinematic motion of the midtarsal joint? Inversion Eversion
What is the loose pack position of the midtarsal joint? Midway between extremes of ROM
What is the close pack position of the midtarsal? Supination
What is the capsular pattern of the midtarsal joint? Dorsiflexion Plantar flexion Inversion Medial rotation
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