Medication basics (Neuro)


Based on PTA exam book
Justin  Lao
Flashcards by Justin Lao, updated more than 1 year ago
Justin  Lao
Created by Justin Lao almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are antiepileptic agents? Agents used to reduce or eliminate seizure activity within the brain.
When can antiepileptic be used? Any patient with seizure activity.
What must the therapist know in regard to therapy with a pt taking antiepileptic? They are more sensitive to light and noise.
What are some side effects of antiepileptic? Ataxia, skin problems, behavior changes, headaches, blurred vision, weight gain, and gastrointestinal distress.
What are antispasticity agents? Relaxation of spastic muscles that is a secondary affect from CNS damage.
When can antispasticity be used? Pt's with increased tone, CVA, spinal cord injury, or multiple sclerosis.
What must the therapist know in regard to therapy with a pt taking antispasticity? Focus on decreasing the spasticity before applying facilitation and strengthening techniques.
What are some side effects of antispacity agents? Drowsiness, confusion, headches, dizziness, muscle weakness, tolerance, or dependence.
What are dopamine replacement agents? Assist to relieve Parkinson's symptoms.
when can dopamine repalcement agents be used? Parkinson's patients
What must the therapist know in regard to therapy with a pt taking dopamine replacement agents? Scheduling therapy 1 hour after meds were taken for maximal benefits. Side effects cause cardio issues so take BP.
What are the side effects of dopamine replacement agents? Arrhythmias, gastrointestinal distress, behavioral changes, tolerance, orthostatic hypotension, or dyskinesias.
What is ataxia? Lost of coordination.
What is dyskinesias? Abnormal or impair voluntary movement.
What are muscle relaxant agents? Agents that promote relaxation in muscles with spasm secondary to musculoskeletal or peripheral nerve injury.
When can muscle relaxants agents be used? Pt's with muscle spasm
What must the therapist know in regard to therapy with a pt taking muscle relaxant agents? Use and knowledge of modalities, prevention of reinjury through stretching, posture re-ed, and education in general.
What are the side effects of muscle relaxant agents? Drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headaches, tolerance, dependence.
What type of agent is Flexeril? Muscle relaxant agent
What type of agent is Valium? Muscle relaxant agent and Antispasticity agent
What type of agent is Levodopa? Dopamine replacement agent
What type of agent is Sinemet? Dopamine replacement agent
What type of agent is Dantrium? Antispasticity agent
What type of agent is Baclofen? Antispasticity agent
What type of agent is Tegretol? Antiepileptic agent
What type of agent is Dilantin? Antiepileptic agent
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