key terms organ. chap. 10


Psychology Flashcards on key terms organ. chap. 10, created by Iris Freiberger on 29/03/2019.
Iris Freiberger
Flashcards by Iris Freiberger, updated more than 1 year ago
Iris Freiberger
Created by Iris Freiberger over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
group set of two or more people who interact with wach other to achieve certain goals
group goal goal that all or most members of a group can agree on as a common goal
formal work group group established by management to help organisation achieve its goals
informal work group group that emerges naturally when individuals perceive that membership in a group will help them achieve their goals
command group formal work group consisting of subordinates who report to same supervisor
task force formal work group consisting of people who come together to accomplish a specific goal
team formal work group of people who work intensely together to achieve a common group goal
slef-managed work team formal work group of people who are jointly responsible for ensuring that the team accomplishes its goals and who lead themselves
friendship group informal work group of people who enjoy each other´s company and socialise with each other on and off the job
interest group informal work group of people who come together because they have a common goal related to their organisational membership
division of labour dividing up work and assigning part. tasks to specific workers
homogeneous group members have many characteristics in common
heterogeneous group members have few characteristics in common
group function work a group performs as its contribution to accomplishing organisational goals
group status implicitly agreed upon perceived importance for the organisation as a whole of what the group does
group efficacy shared belief members have about the ability of the group to achieve its goals
social facilitation effects that presence of others has on performance enhancing performance of easy tasks impairing performance of difficult tasks
role relationships ways in which group and organisational members interact with one another to perform their specific roles
role making taking initiative to create a role by assuming responsibilities that are not part of assigned role
role taking performing responsibilities required as part of assigned role
group norms informal rules of conduct for behaviours considered important by most group members
compliance assenting to a rule in order to attain rewards or avoid punishment
identification associating oneself with supporters of a norm and conforming to the norm because those individuals do
internalisation believing that the behaviour dictated by the norm is truly the right and proper way to behave
idiosyncrasy credit freedom to violate group norms without being punished that is accorded to group members who have contributed a lot to the group in the past
deviance deviation from the norm
socialisation process by which newcomers learn the roles, rules, and norms of a group
role orientation characteristic way in which members of a group respond to various situations
institutionalised role orientation role orientation in which newcomers are taught to respond to situations in the same way as existing group members
individualised role orientation role orientation in which newcomers are taught that it is acceptable and desirable to be creative and to experiment which changing how the group does things
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