Team Building


Board Exam LeadingManageChange (TeamsCommunication) Flashcards on Team Building, created by Michael Riben on 09/10/2013.
Michael Riben
Flashcards by Michael Riben, updated more than 1 year ago
Michael Riben
Created by Michael Riben almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What does a team need to be for health IT? need the correct team with right skills, size, talent, expertise to meet the objective
What are some skills required for HIT technical skills, clinical expertise, workflow analysis and design, training, implementation, post implementation , troubleshooting, support
what are advantages with getting internal candidates for teams? know the institution, trusted from within and may be cost effect compared with external
what are disadvantages of hiring from internal folks for teams spread talent too thin, rooted in approaches that are ineffective
what are advantages of external hires? can recruit specific expertise, fresh perspectives
what are disadvantages of external hires? may not have prior knowledge of institution, element of the unknown
what should performance reviews relat to ? Performance expectations
what should performance expectations align with? Organization goals
what should managers focus on instead of personality for feedback? behavior, performance, and process
who determines the need for a team? Executives
who determines the team goals for a team? The team members
what are the elements of a team charter? purpose, stakeholders, membership, responsibility, decision making, team name, life expectancy, communication, financial resources
What should the team roles align to? Team's stated goals
when should team conflicts be addressed? as early as possible
What is the Tuckman Model of Group development? Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing
what are the advantages to group decision making? wider variety and higher quality of decision alternatives, greater collective understanding to the eventual course of action --> improves buy in and adoption
what are the disadvantages to group decision making? slower, groupthink pressures to conform to the "dominant" view, dissenting views are suppressed, alternative views not explored, polarization
what are 3 approaches to Group decision making? 1) Nominal Group Technique 2) Consensus Mapping 3) Delphi Method
what is Nominal Group Decision Making Technique group members individually and privately develop ideas or propose them in writing, group shares them with no criticism or analysis , followed by group discussion, and ranking/rating of the options. Highest ranking adopted
what are pros and cons of Nominal Group Technique? Pros- all participate Con-not flexible, not efficient,
what is the best use case for Nominal Group Technique of decision making? Generate an efficien discussion on a single problem or situation
What is Consensus Mapping Decision Making facilitator and group reach consensus about how best to arrange or sequence multiple inter-related activities into a plan of action
what is Consensus Mapping technique based on? Compromise
what is consensus mapping workflow? create list --> small group clustering of ideas--> large group review and reevaluation--> facilitator creates strawman integrated map==> map reconfiguration by small task groups--> large group presentations--> map consolidation
what are pro's of consensus mapping ? useful when large number of interrelated and inter-dependent elements into one executable plan
what is one drawback of Consensus mapping? works best with trained and experienced group
what is the Delphi Method? systematic interactive forecasting method relies on a panel of experts
How does Delphi Method work? Experts give answers to questions, aggregated and presented anonymously, experts reconsider answers, goal to get to limited answers, stops are predefined and scores are used to get the final answer
What are advantages of Delphi Technique doesnt need to be face to face, accomodates wide number of opinions, can be anonymous - minimizes the bandwagon effect
what is one drawback of the Delphi Technique? better written opinions may sway others, and limited to experts opinions for range of solutions
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