Chapter 3: Human Resource Management


Bachelors Management Strategies in Athletic Training Flashcards on Chapter 3: Human Resource Management, created by Samuel Castillo on 21/02/2016.
Samuel Castillo
Flashcards by Samuel Castillo, updated more than 1 year ago
Samuel Castillo
Created by Samuel Castillo about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
General Categories of Organizational Cultures (Bennis and Nanus 1985) Collegial Culture Personalistic Culture Formalistic Culture
Collegial Culture The emphasis is on consensus, teamwork, and participation in most decisions by all members of the staff, who tend to view each other as peers.
Personalistic Culture Places little emphasis on policy and procedure, each member of staff makes their own decision.
Formalistic Culture Operates with a clear chain of command and well-defined lines of authority. Typical of bureaucratic programs that heavily emphasize policy, procedure, and rules.
Five Areas of Critical Importance- Dysfunction Common Elements to Achieve Overall Success (Lencioni 2002) Absence of Trust Fear of Conflict Lack of Commitment Avoidance of Accountability Inattention to Results
3 Types of Organizational Charts Function-Oriented: Makes supervision easier because supervisors specialize along lines of expertise. Service Oriented: Organizes the staff according to the services they provide which appropriate for programs that serve a diverse clientele. Matrix Oriented: Combines the strongest features of the service and function athletic trainers and other members of the sports medicine team report to two or more “bosses”, depending on the project they are working on
11 Reasons Athletic Trainers and Others Join Informal Organization Groups (Drafke 1994) Social Contact Satisfaction of Needs Power Peer Pressure Problem Solving Goal Congruency Understanding Information and Communication Knowledge Formal Organization Support Physical Proximity
Staff Selection Hiring Promotion Demotion Retention Performance Evaluation
Recruitment Attracting and retaining qualified, competent staff members
Long- Term Staffing Needs Future Personnel Requirements Intended Program Structure Projected Profile of Athletic Trainer Labor Pool External Sources: Specific plans for recruitment Internal Sources: Specific plans for transfer, promotion, development, and improved utilization
Validity in Hiring More likely to produce an athletic training staff that functions well in its role Enhances efficiency in the staff selection process because productive employees are less likely to leave the organization, which would create gaps that must be filled Can help demonstrate that the hiring process was fair and far from bias
Reliability in Hiring The degree to which employment standards and practices are applied with consistency to all candidates
Common Steps for Recruiting and Hiring Sports Medicine Personnel Request for Position Position Request Approval Position Vacancy Notice Application Collection Telephone Interviews Reference Checks On-site Interview Recommendation and Approval for Hiring Offer of Contact Hiring
Finding Your Job Identifying Job Openings Choosing Where to Apply Making Contact Resume Writing Cover Letter Common Mistakes to Avoid Interviewing
Identify for Job Openings Networking Cold Calling Web-based Databases Conventions, Conferences and Job Fairs
Common Mistakes to Avoid Inappropriate E-mail Address Non-applicable Career Goal Incorrect Names Misspellings Name Dropping Redundancy Exaggeration List Basic Accomplishments Aggressiveness
Interviewing Dress Professional Learn as Much as You Can About the Organization Be Enthusiastic Be Courteous
What are the two types of Workload Analysis? Numeric Analysis Process Analysis
Numeric Analysis The process of determining a staff member’s workload by calculating and comparing the amount of time a person spends on certain tasks with the outputs- the measurable results. For example, number of patients treated by each staff member per day, per week, per month, or per year.
Process Analysis A technique for streamlining the number and complexity of steps needed to provide a service to a customer. For example, two or more athletic trainers may be performing the same tasks using completely different steps. Analyzing those steps may produce a consensus on the most efficient way to perform the task.
Appropriate Medical Coverage The most specific staffing recommendations available to the athletic training profession in a college and university setting The guidelines arrange for a system for determining the number of certified athletic trainers required to render adequate health care services to their student-athletes.
Advantages of Functional Structure Suited to a stable environment Fosters development of expertise Allows specialization Requires minimal internal coordination Requires fewer interpersonal skills
Disadvantages of Functional Structure Slow response time in large programs Can lead to bottlenecks because of sequential task performance Less innovative; narrow perspective Might create conflicts over program priorities and staff responsibilities Little emphasis on sharing ideas and teamwork May lead to a silo effect
Advantages of Service-Oriented Organizational Structure Suited to fast change Allows for high service visibility Allows full-time concentration on tasks Clearly defines responsibilities Permits parallel processing of multiple tasks
Disadvantages of Service-Oriented Organizational Structure Fosters politics in resource allocation Inhibits coordination of activities Restricts problem solving to task needs Permits in-depth competences to decline Creates conflicts between tasks and priorities Can inflate personnel costs
Advantages of the Matrix Organizational Structure Gives flexibility to the organization Stimuli interdisciplinary cooperation Involves, motivates, and challenges people Develops athletic trainers skills Frees program coordination for planning
Disadvantages of the Matrix Organizational Structure Can create a feeling of anarchy Encourage power struggles Might lead to more discussion than action Requires high level of interpersonal skill Can be time-consuming to implement
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