Child development and Behavior Guidance


Flash cards for ABPD QE
Flashcards by marcusmoss.dmd, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by marcusmoss.dmd about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Temperament? The way a child behaves and develops. It is hard wired into the child and is stable over time
How does personality develop? When temperament characteristics are combined with the child's enviornment
What is attachment and when does it occur? Emotional bond felt by humans toward special people in their lives. Occurs during latter part of first year of life.
what is associated with higher sociability, more effective emotion regulation, increased compliance with parental requests? secure attachment
Children with attachment disorder display what? Disruptive behavior
What did Hall and Gesell propose regarding child development? Maturational Theory
How is the Maturational Theory defined? Development is internally-driven (genetic). Very little depends on parenting= more nature than nurture
How did Hall and Gesell classify children? delayed, normal, or advanced
Accordingto Hall and Gesell what did development depend on? neurological and physiological maturation
Gesell and Hall are responsible for what ? Basis for developmental milestones and age norms
Which theory is Freud responsible for? Psychosexual Theory
How is the Psychosexual theory defined? emotional life has a strong influence on behavior and development
According to Freud, looking at at what in a child can help when assessing current behavior? Emotional past
Which theory is Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner responsible for? Behaviorism Theory
How is the Behaviorism Theory defined? Environment is source of behavioral change.
What is Conditioning? A stimulus followed by response. Ex: ring a bell, give food Rewarded behaviors stay; punished behaviors are extinguished
What is the Social Learning theory? Social experiences provide the feedback that fuels future development.
How was Social Learning Theory developed? Developed from behaviorism. Integration of internal processes and environment
Which Theory is Piaget responsible for? Cognitive Theory
What is the Cognitive Theory? Cognitive development proceeds in distinct stages, based on age, changing over time
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