MST Evaluation


Pscyhology Flashcards on MST Evaluation, created by Mark Arsenal on 26/04/2013.
Mark Arsenal
Flashcards by Mark Arsenal, updated more than 1 year ago
Mark Arsenal
Created by Mark Arsenal almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the difference between Quantative and Qualitative evaluation? Quantative is using data, facts and figures to evaluate the MST effectiveness. Whereas Qualitative use anecdotal, verbal reports from the athlete on there opinion on how they feel the MST has benefitted them.
What session structure was used in the pilot MST program for youth Rugby players? Review (previous weeks session and how the athlete has used the MST techniques since). Education (introduction to Mental Technique and its value). Activity (demonstrate and explore use of mental techniques). Reflection (review education and activity and consider how to apply the mental technique).
What measures we used to determine the effectiveness of the pilot MST program for youth Rugby players? Performance, How much they used the Mental Technique, Sense of well-being, Motivation, Competence.
Why are MST programme evaluations important? Enables you to determine the effectiveness of the MST, it is an opportunity for the athlete and coach to give FB, use performance data to show improvements or use subjective coach reports to evaluate benefits.
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