World War 1 Unit 9.1 & 9.2


Flashcards on World War 1 Unit 9.1 & 9.2, created by Hamza Ahmed on 03/05/2017.
Hamza Ahmed
Flashcards by Hamza Ahmed, updated more than 1 year ago
Hamza Ahmed
Created by Hamza Ahmed about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
World War 1 Unit 9.1 & 9.2 By: Hamza Ahmed Year 9
What was world war 1? It was a world wide war that originated in Europe from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918
What was the triple alliance? Alliance between Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary, it was formed by Germany
Why was it formed? Germany sought new allies as it feared that France would retaliate after Germany defeated them
What was the triple Entente? It was an alliance between Russia, France and Britain, formed by France
Why was it formed? They saw that Germany had their own allies and wanted to make their own allies.
What was the major consequence of the alliance system? There was an increasing demand to spend more money on armaments (now called the arms race)
What countries were the international tensions between? Britain and France, Germany and France, Russia and Austria-Hungary and Serbia
Britain and France France and Britain would constantly argue over colonially borders, especially in Africa
Germany and France Germany wanted to expand its influence by developing its own colonies and challenged the right of France to exert influence to non-European peoples in Morocco
Serbia, Russia and Austria-Hungary There wars in the Balkans as a result of Serbia, Russia and Austria-Hungary all trying to exert their influence into the Balkans
What did European powers do to try and stop it to escalate into war? They held a conference in London but it later on didn't work
What was the final step to war? The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Who was Archduke Franz Ferdinand? He was the heir to the Austria-Hungary throne
Who assassinated the Archduke? A member of the Serbian organisation the Black Hand
What was going on in Australia when news reached that Britain had declared war? There was an election campaign going on
What pretty much decided the campaign? Andrew Fisher's famous line that Australia would support Britain ' to the last man and the last shilling'
Why did many Aussies join the war? Both parties were for the war and they didn't want to miss out on the fight
What were the standards for joining the army? There were height and fitness restrictions, maximum age of 38 and children under 18 had to have parent permission. Initially there were so many men wanting to join they faked their age
What were some reasons for enlisting? Patriotism, Propaganda, The White Feather, Commitment, Adventure and Peer Pressure
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