

bacalaureat Physiology Mind Map on Haemostasis, created by Caroline Oxford on 21/05/2013.
Caroline Oxford
Mind Map by Caroline Oxford, updated more than 1 year ago
Caroline Oxford
Created by Caroline Oxford over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 1.) Vascular Spasm
    1. Narrowing of blood vessel
    2. 2.) Platelet Plugging
      1. Platelets (thrombocytes)
        1. Platelets stem from Myeloid stem cells
          1. Break off from Megakaryocytes (from Myeloid)
            1. Blood-bourne, contain organelles and enzymes. No nuclear material
          2. Stick to loose Collagen
            1. Release ADP (adenosine diphosphate)
              1. AND Thromboxane A2 (TxA2)
                1. This increases stickiness
                  1. In undamaged vessels Prostacyclin inhibits
          3. 3.) Clotting/Coagulation
            1. Intrinsic Pathway
              1. Problems inside
                1. Starts with Factor XII (Hageman Factor)
                  1. Activates to Factor XIIa
                    1. Cascades down to
                      1. Factor X Now needs Ca+ to activate X
                        1. Common Pathway
                          1. Factor Xa
                            1. Prothrombin
                              1. Enzyme Prothrombinase. Needs Ca+
                                1. Thrombin
                                  1. Activates FVIII
                                    1. Factor VIII Stabalises clot
                    2. Extrinsic Pathway
                      1. Outside tissue injury
                        1. Thromboplastin (Platelet Tissue Factor III)
                          1. Thromboplastin activates Factor XII
                            1. Released in very high concerntrations
                              1. Results in instant course to comman pathway
                                1. Factor X
                                2. Factor VIIa
                            2. Releases Thromboplastin
                          2. Plasma proteins (Factors) some made in liver with Vit K
                            1. Both pathways need Ca+ to activate
                              1. Fibrinogen made in Liver
                                1. Thrombin breaks down Fibrinogen
                                  1. Fibrin Factor I
                                    1. AND
                                  2. Warfrin mimics Vit K (stops clotting factors)
                                2. Clot Removel
                                  1. Plasminogen
                                    1. Breaks down into Plasmin
                                      1. Ptoteolytic Enzyme
                                        1. Breaks down Fibrin
                                          1. Called Fibinolysis
                                        2. Plasma protein
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