Pressure in Fluids


Provides a detailed study of the topic with appropriate images and videos
Aryan Bhosale
Mind Map by Aryan Bhosale, updated more than 1 year ago
Aryan Bhosale
Created by Aryan Bhosale about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Pressure in Fluids
    1. Units Of Pressure
      1. SI Unit : pascal (Pa)
        1. Gravitational Unit: kilogram force per square metre (kgf/m2)
          1. Meteorological Unit: bar
        2. Mathematical Expression
          1. P=h.d.g
            1. h=Height of the liquid column
              1. d=density of liquid
                1. g=acceleration due to gravity
              2. Laws of Liquid Pressure
                1. Experimental Explanation
                  1. To prove that pressure at a point inside the liquid increases with the increase in the density of fluid.
                    1. To prove that a liquid seeds its own level.
                    2. Curiosity Quotient
                      1. Why are the walls of a dam made thicker at the bottom?
                        1. To facilitate the great liquid pressure at great depth.
                    3. Pascal's Law
                      1. The principal of transmission of fluid-pressure
                        1. Practical Application
                        2. Atmospheric Pressure: Force exerted by the air
                          1. Instrument of Measurement
                            1. Simple Barometer
                              1. Fortin's Barometer
                                1. Aneroid Barometer
                              2. Gas Pressure
                                1. Instrument of Measurement
                                  1. Gas Manometer
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