Organisational Culture & Diversity


2nd Year Workplace Communication (Organisational Culture) Mind Map on Organisational Culture & Diversity, created by Jade Jannotti on 15/01/2014.
Jade Jannotti
Mind Map by Jade Jannotti, updated more than 1 year ago
Jade Jannotti
Created by Jade Jannotti about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Organisational Culture & Diversity
  1. Diversity = variety of differences of people in organisation
    1. demographic = age, race, gender, language, religion
      1. psychological = values, attitudes, knowledge
        1. organisational = occupation, skills, hierarchical level
          1. Pros
            1. enhance decision-making
              1. competitive advantage
                1. impact on motivation & leadership style
                  1. understand customers' needs
                  2. Cons
                    1. mis-communication
                      1. stereotypes
                        1. strategies to improve cross-cultural understanding
                      2. key to understanding how company operates
                        1. strong OC leads to high performance and success
                          1. reflect individuals, organisational values
                            1. what makes organisation different
                          2. patterns of behaviour that reflect individual, group and organisational beliefs and values
                            1. Williams 1993
                            2. LVMH
                              1. creative & innovative
                                1. product excellence
                                  1. advertise brands with passionate determination
                                    1. act as entrepreneurs
                                      1. strive to be the bes in all we do
                                        1. each brand runs itself
                                          1. no interference from leader
                                            1. decentralised - many people responsible for decision-making
                                            2. Martins (1992)
                                              1. Integration perspective = something an organisation HAS
                                                1. organisation-wide consensus
                                                2. Differentiation approach = something an organisation IS
                                                  1. shaped by sub-cultures
                                                3. Characteristics
                                                  1. artefacts (dress code)
                                                    1. language (formal, informal)
                                                      1. rituals (employee of the month)
                                                        1. group norms
                                                        2. Changing nature of work
                                                          1. globalisation (multi-national workforce)
                                                            1. technology (impact on nature of wokr)
                                                              1. growth of knowledge economy (knowledge s key to development)
                                                              2. Organisational Culture & Communication
                                                                1. communication climate (open, supportive)
                                                                  1. type of communication (informal, formal)
                                                                    1. socialisation with new members
                                                                      1. Organisational Culture & Performance
                                                                        1. ensure plans are followed
                                                                          1. enhance commitment & performance
                                                                            1. employees establish strong blond with firm
                                                                              1. easier to implement change
                                                                            2. Dominant = give firm personality, main culture
                                                                              1. Sub-culture = additional values
                                                                                1. Counter-culture = rejects surrounding cultures
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