Karen Horney


Mind Map on Karen Horney, created by Desiree Generalao on 27/01/2017.
Desiree Generalao
Mind Map by Desiree Generalao , updated more than 1 year ago
Desiree Generalao
Created by Desiree Generalao about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Karen Horney
  1. Parenting style
    1. Authoritarian
      1. Indulgent
        1. Authoritative
          1. Uninvolve
          2. Neurotic needs or trends
            1. Primary modes of relating
              1. Moving away
                1. Moving toward
                  1. Moving against
                  2. Basic orientations
                    1. Self- effacing solution
                      1. Self-expansive solution
                        1. Resignation solution
                      2. Attachment theory
                        1. Secure
                          1. Avoidant
                            1. Resistant
                            2. Basic anxiety
                              1. Basic evil
                              2. Real self
                                1. Idealized self
                                  1. Alienation
                                2. Tyranny of the should
                                  1. Womb envy
                                    1. Self-analysis
                                      1. Hypercompetitiveness
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